Source code for netket.graph.lattice

# Copyright 2020-2022 The NetKet Authors - All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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from dataclasses import dataclass
from math import pi

from netket.utils.types import Array
from typing import Callable, Union, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING
from import Sequence
import warnings

import numpy as _np

from netket.utils import HashableArray
from netket.utils.float import comparable, comparable_periodic, is_approx_int
from import PointGroup, PermutationGroup, trivial_point_group

from .graph import Graph
from ._lattice_edge_logic import (

    from .space_group import SpaceGroupBuilder

PositionT = _np.ndarray
CoordT = _np.ndarray

class InvalidSiteError(Exception):

class InvalidWaveVectorError(Exception):

[docs] @dataclass class LatticeSite: """ Contains information about a single :class:`~netket.graph.Lattice` site. """ id: int """Integer ID of this site""" position: PositionT """Real-space position of this site""" basis_coord: CoordT """basis coordinates of this site""" def __repr__(self): s = ", ".join(map(str, (, self.basis_coord))) return f"LatticeSite({s})"
def _create_sites(basis_vectors, extent, site_offsets): basis_coords, positions = create_site_positions(basis_vectors, extent, site_offsets) sites = [ LatticeSite(id=idx, position=pos, basis_coord=coord) for idx, (coord, pos) in enumerate(zip(basis_coords, positions)) ] return sites, basis_coords, positions REPR_TEMPLATE = """Lattice( n_nodes={}, extent={}, basis_vectors= {}, site_offsets= {}, ) """
[docs] class Lattice(Graph): r""" A lattice built by periodic arrangement of a given unit cell. The lattice is represented as a Bravais lattice with (:code:`basis_vectors`) :math:`\{a_d\}_{d=1}^D` (where :math:`D = \mathtt{ndim}` is the dimension of the lattice) and a unit cell consisting of one or more sites, The positions of those sites within the unit cell can be specified by the :code:`site_offsets` parameter. The :code:`extent` is a array where :code:`extent[d]` specifies the number of times each unit cell is translated along direction :math:`d`. The full lattice is then generated by placing a site at each of the points .. math:: R_{rq} = \sum_{d=1}^D r_d a_d + b_q \in \mathbb R^D where :math:`r_d \in \{1, \ldots, \mathtt{extent}[d]\}` and :math:`b_q = \mathtt{site\_offsets}[q]`. We also refer to :math:`q` as the `label` of the site within the unit cell. The lattice class supports three ways of addressing a specific lattice site: id An integer index that is used to identify the site in :code:`self.edges()` and also corresponds to the index of the corresponding site in sequences like :code:`self.nodes()`, :code:`self.positions` or :code:`self.basis_coords`. positions Real-space position vector :math:`R_{rq}` as defined above, which is available from :func:`~netket.graph.Lattice.positions` and can be resolved into an id via :func:`~netket.graph.Lattice.id_from_position`. basis coordinates where each site is specified by a vector :code:`[r1, ..., rD, q]` with :math:`r` being the integer vector of length :code:`ndim` specifying the cell position as multiples of the primitive vectors and the site label :math:`q` giving the number of the site within the unit cell. Basis coordinates are available from :func:`~netket.graph.Lattice.basis_coords` and can be resolved into an id via :func:`~netket.graph.Lattice.id_from_basis_coords`. """ # Initialization # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def __init__( self, basis_vectors: _np.ndarray, extent: _np.ndarray, *, pbc: Union[bool, Sequence[bool]] = True, site_offsets: Optional[_np.ndarray] = None, distance_atol: float = 1e-5, point_group: Optional[PointGroup] = None, max_neighbor_order: Optional[int] = None, custom_edges: Optional[Sequence[CustomEdgeT]] = None, ): """ Constructs a new ``Lattice`` given its side length and the features of the unit cell. Args: basis_vectors: The basis vectors of the lattice. Should be an array of shape `(ndim, ndim)` where each `row` is a basis vector. extent: The number of copies of the unit cell; needs to be an array of length `ndim`. pbc: If ``True`` then the constructed lattice will have periodic boundary conditions, otherwise open boundary conditions are imposed. Can also be an boolean sequence of length `ndim`, indicating either open or closed boundary conditions separately for each direction. site_offsets: The position offsets of sites in the unit cell (one site at the origin by default). distance_atol: Distance below which spatial points are considered equal for the purpose of identifying nearest neighbors. point_group: Default `PointGroup` object for constructing space groups max_neighbor_order: For :code:`max_neighbor_order == k`, edges between up to :math:`k`-nearest neighbor sites (measured by their Euclidean distance) are included in the graph. The edges can be distinguished by their color, which is set to :math:`k - 1` (so nearest-neighbor edges have color 0). By default, nearest neighbours (:code:`max_neighbor_order=1`) are autogenerated unless :code:`custom_edges` is passed. custom_edges: (Optional) Lists all edges starting in one unit cell, which are repeated in every unit cell of the constructed lattice. Should be a list of tuples; each tuple should contain the following: * index of the starting point in the unit cell * index of the endpoint in the unit cell * vector pointing from the former to the latter * color of the edge (optional) If colors are not supplied, they are assigned sequentially starting from 0. Cannot be used together with `max_neighbor_order`. Examples: Constructs a Kagome lattice with 3 × 3 unit cells: >>> import numpy as np >>> from netket.graph import Lattice >>> # Hexagonal lattice basis >>> sqrt3 = np.sqrt(3.0) >>> basis = np.array([ ... [1.0, 0.0], ... [0.5, sqrt3 / 2.0], ... ]) >>> # Kagome unit cell >>> cell = np.array([ ... basis[0] / 2.0, ... basis[1] / 2.0, ... (basis[0]+basis[1])/2.0 ... ]) >>> g = Lattice(basis_vectors=basis, site_offsets=cell, extent=[3, 3]) >>> print(g.n_nodes) 27 >>> print(g.basis_coords[:6]) [[0 0 0] [0 0 1] [0 0 2] [0 1 0] [0 1 1] [0 1 2]] >>> print(g.positions[:6]) [[0.5 0. ] [0.25 0.4330127 ] [0.75 0.4330127 ] [1. 0.8660254 ] [0.75 1.29903811] [1.25 1.29903811]] Constructs a rectangular lattice with distinct horizontal and vertical edges: >>> import numpy as np >>> from netket.graph import Lattice >>> basis = np.array([ ... [1.0,0.0], ... [0.0,0.5], ... ]) >>> custom_edges = [ ... (0, 0, [1.0,0.0], 0), ... (0, 0, [0.0,0.5], 1), ... ] >>> g = Lattice(basis_vectors=basis, pbc=False, extent=[4,6], ... custom_edges=custom_edges) >>> print(g.n_nodes) 24 >>> print(len(g.edges(filter_color=0))) 18 >>> print(len(g.edges(filter_color=1))) 20 """ # Clean input parameters self._basis_vectors = self._clean_basis(basis_vectors) self._ndim = self._basis_vectors.shape[1] self._site_offsets, site_pos_fractional = self._clean_site_offsets( site_offsets, self._basis_vectors, ) self._pbc = self._clean_pbc(pbc, self._ndim) self._extent = _np.asarray(extent, dtype=int) self._lattice_dims = _np.expand_dims(self._extent, 1) * self.basis_vectors self._inv_dims = _np.linalg.inv(self._lattice_dims) self._point_group = point_group # Generate sites self._sites, self._basis_coords, self._positions = _create_sites( self._basis_vectors, self._extent, self._site_offsets, ) self._basis_coord_to_site = { HashableArray(p.basis_coord): for p in self._sites } int_positions = self._to_integer_position(self._positions) self._int_position_to_site = { HashableArray(pos): index for index, pos in enumerate(int_positions) } # Generate edges if custom_edges is not None: if max_neighbor_order is not None: raise ValueError( "custom_edges and max_neighbor_order cannot be specified at the same time" ) colored_edges = get_custom_edges( self._basis_vectors, self._extent, self._site_offsets, self._pbc, distance_atol, custom_edges, ) else: if max_neighbor_order is None: max_neighbor_order = 1 colored_edges = get_nn_edges( self._basis_vectors, self._extent, self._site_offsets, self._pbc, distance_atol, max_neighbor_order, ) super().__init__(colored_edges, len(self._sites))
@staticmethod def _clean_basis(basis_vectors): """Check and convert `basis_vectors` init argument.""" basis_vectors = _np.asarray(basis_vectors) if basis_vectors.ndim != 2: raise ValueError( "'basis_vectors' must have ndim==2 (as array of primitive vectors)" ) if basis_vectors.shape[0] != basis_vectors.shape[1]: raise ValueError("The number of primitive vectors must match their length") return basis_vectors @staticmethod def _clean_site_offsets(site_offsets, basis_vectors): """Check and convert `site_offsets` init argument.""" if site_offsets is None: site_offsets = _np.zeros(basis_vectors.shape[0])[None, :] site_offsets = _np.asarray(site_offsets) fractional_coords = site_offsets @ _np.linalg.inv(basis_vectors) fractional_coords_int = comparable_periodic(fractional_coords) # Check for duplicates (also across unit cells) uniques, idx = _np.unique(fractional_coords_int, axis=0, return_index=True) if len(site_offsets) != len(uniques): site_offsets = site_offsets[idx] fractional_coords = fractional_coords[idx] fractional_coords_int = fractional_coords_int[idx] warnings.warn( "Some atom positions are not unique. Duplicates were dropped, and " f"now atom positions are {site_offsets}", UserWarning, ) # Check if any site is outside primitive cell (may cause KDTree to malfunction) if _np.any(fractional_coords_int < comparable(0.0)) or _np.any( fractional_coords_int > comparable(1.0) ): warnings.warn( "Some sites were specified outside the primitive unit cell. This may" "cause errors in automatic edge finding.", UserWarning, ) return site_offsets, fractional_coords @staticmethod def _clean_pbc(pbc, ndim): """Check and convert `pbc` init argument.""" if isinstance(pbc, bool): return _np.array([pbc] * ndim, dtype=bool) elif ( not isinstance(pbc, Sequence) or len(pbc) != ndim or not all(isinstance(b, bool) for b in pbc) ): raise ValueError( "pbc must be either a boolean or a sequence of booleans with length" "equal to the lattice dimension" ) else: return _np.asarray(pbc, dtype=bool) # Properties # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @property def basis_vectors(self): """Basis vectors of the lattice""" return self._basis_vectors @property def site_offsets(self): """Position offsets of sites in the unit cell""" return self._site_offsets @property def ndim(self): """Dimension of the lattice""" return self._ndim @property def pbc(self): """ Array of bools such that `pbc[d]` indicates whether dimension d has periodic boundaries. """ return self._pbc @property def extent(self): """ Extent of the lattice """ return self._extent @property def sites(self) -> Sequence[LatticeSite]: """Sequence of lattice site objects""" return self._sites @property def positions(self) -> PositionT: """Real-space positions of all lattice sites""" return self._positions @property def basis_coords(self) -> CoordT: """basis coordinates of all lattice sites""" return self._basis_coords # Site lookup # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _to_integer_position(self, positions: PositionT) -> Array: frac_positions = _np.matmul(positions, self._inv_dims) return comparable_periodic(frac_positions, self.pbc) @staticmethod def _get_id_from_dict( dict: dict[HashableArray, int], key: Array ) -> Union[int, Array]: try: if key.ndim == 1: return dict[HashableArray(key)] elif key.ndim == 2: return _np.array([dict[HashableArray(k)] for k in key]) else: raise ValueError("Input needs to be rank 1 or rank 2 array") except KeyError as e: raise InvalidSiteError( "Some coordinates do not correspond to a valid lattice site" ) from e
[docs] def id_from_position(self, position: PositionT) -> Union[int, Array]: """ Returns the id for a site at the given position. When passed a rank-2 array where each row is a position, returns an array of the corresponding ids. Throws an `InvalidSiteError` if any of the positions do not correspond to a site. """ int_pos = self._to_integer_position(position) ids = self._get_id_from_dict(self._int_position_to_site, int_pos) return ids
[docs] def id_from_basis_coords(self, basis_coords: CoordT) -> Union[int, Array]: """ Return the id for a site at the given basis coordinates. When passed a rank-2 array where each row is a coordinate vector, returns an array of the corresponding ids. Throws an `InvalidSiteError` if any of the coords do not correspond to a site. """ key = _np.asarray(basis_coords) return self._get_id_from_dict(self._basis_coord_to_site, key)
[docs] def position_from_basis_coords(self, basis_coords: CoordT) -> PositionT: """ Return the position of the site with given basis coordinates. When passed a rank-2 array where each row is a coordinate vector, this method returns an array of the corresponding positions. Throws an `InvalidSiteError` if no site is found for any of the coordinates. """ ids = self.id_from_basis_coords(basis_coords) return self.positions[ids]
[docs] def to_reciprocal_lattice(self, ks: Array) -> Array: """ Converts wave vectors from Cartesian axes to reciprocal lattice vectors. Arguments: ks: wave vectors in Cartesian axes. Multidimensional arrays are accepted, the Cartesian coordinates must form the last dimension. Returns: The same wave vectors in the reciprocal basis **of the simulation box.** Valid wave vector components in this basis are integers in (periodic BCs) or zero (in open BCs). Throws an `InvalidWaveVectorError` if any of the supplied wave vectors are not reciprocal lattice vectors of the simulation box. """ # Ensure that ks has at least 2 dimensions ks = _np.asarray(ks) if ks.ndim == 1: ks = ks[_np.newaxis, :] result = ks @ self._lattice_dims.T / (2 * pi) # Check that these are integers is_valid = is_approx_int(result) if not _np.all(is_valid): raise InvalidWaveVectorError( "Some wave vectors are not reciprocal lattice vectors of the simulation" "box spanned by\n" + "\n".join( [ str(self._lattice_dims[i]) + (" (PBC)" if self.pbc[i] else " (OBC)") for i in range(self.ndim) ] ) ) result = _np.asarray(_np.rint(result), dtype=int) # For axes with non-periodic BCs, the k-component must be 0 is_valid = _np.logical_or(self.pbc, result == 0) if not _np.all(is_valid): raise InvalidWaveVectorError( "Some wave vectors are inconsistent with open boundary conditions" ) return result
# Generating space groups # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def space_group_builder( self, point_group: Optional[PointGroup] = None ) -> "SpaceGroupBuilder": """ Returns a `SpaceGroupBuilder` object that represents the spatial symmetries of `self`. Arguments: point_group: a `PointGroup` object describing the point-group symmetries of `self`. Optional, if not supplied, the `PointGroup` object provided at construction is used. Returns: A `SpaceGroupBuilder` object that generates `PermutationGroup`s encoding the action of `point_group`, the translation group of `self`, and the space group obtained as their semidirect product as permutations of the sites of `self`. It also yields space group irreps for symmetrising wave functions. """ from .space_group import SpaceGroupBuilder if point_group is None: if isinstance(self._point_group, PointGroup): point_group = self._point_group elif isinstance(self._point_group, Callable): self._point_group = self._point_group() point_group = self._point_group else: raise RuntimeError( "space_group_builder() missing required argument 'point_group'\n" "(lattice has no default point group)" ) return SpaceGroupBuilder(self, point_group)
[docs] def space_group(self, point_group: Optional[PointGroup] = None) -> PermutationGroup: """ Returns the space group generated by the translation symmetries of `self` and the elements of `point_group` as a `PermutationGroup` acting on the sites of `self`. If no `point_group` is specified, uses the point group provided upon construction. """ return self.space_group_builder(point_group).space_group
[docs] def point_group(self, point_group: Optional[PointGroup] = None) -> PermutationGroup: """ Returns the action of `point_group` on the sites of `self` as a `PermutationGroup`. If no `point_group` is specified, uses the point group provided upon construction. """ return self.space_group_builder(point_group).point_group
[docs] def rotation_group( self, point_group: Optional[PointGroup] = None ) -> PermutationGroup: """ Returns the action of rotations (i.e. symmetries with determinant +1) in `point_group` on the sites of `self` as a `PermutationGroup`. If no `point_group` is specified, uses the point group provided upon construction. """ return self.space_group_builder(point_group).rotation_group
[docs] def translation_group( self, dim: Optional[Union[int, Sequence[int]]] = None ) -> PermutationGroup: """ Returns the group of lattice translations of `self` as a `PermutationGroup` acting on the sites of `self`. """ return self.space_group_builder( trivial_point_group(self.ndim) ).translation_group(dim)
# Output and drawing # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def __repr__(self) -> str: return REPR_TEMPLATE.format( self.n_nodes, self._extent, str(self.basis_vectors).replace("\n", "\n" + " " * 8), str(self.site_offsets).replace("\n", "\n" + " " * 8), )
[docs] def draw( self, ax=None, figsize: Optional[tuple[Union[int, float]]] = None, node_color: str = "#1f78b4", node_size: int = 300, edge_color: str = "k", curvature: float = 0.2, font_size: int = 12, font_color: str = "k", ): """ Draws the ``Lattice`` graph Args: ax: Matplotlib axis object. figsize: (width, height) tuple of the generated figure. node_color: String with the colour of the nodes. node_size: Area of the nodes (as in matplotlib.pyplot.scatter). edge_color: String with the colour of the edges. curvature: A Bezier curve is fit, where the "height" of the curve is `curvature` times the "length" of the curvature. font_size: fontsize of the labels for each node. font_color: Colour of the font used to label nodes. Returns: Matplotlib axis object containing the graph's drawing. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel # Check if lattice is 1D or 2D... or if self._ndim == 1: positions = _np.pad(self.positions, (0, 1), "constant") elif self._ndim == 2: positions = self.positions else: raise ValueError( "Make sure that the graph is 1D or 2D in order to be drawn. " f" Now it is {self._ndim}D" ) if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) for edge in self.edges(): x1, y1 = positions[edge[0]] x2, y2 = positions[edge[1]] annotation = ax.annotate( "", xy=(x1, y1), xycoords="data", xytext=(x2, y2), textcoords="data", arrowprops=dict( arrowstyle="-", color=edge_color, shrinkA=0, shrinkB=0, patchA=None, patchB=None, connectionstyle=f"arc3,rad={curvature}", ), ) ax.scatter( *positions.T, s=node_size, c=node_color, marker="o", zorder=annotation.get_zorder() + 1, ) for node in self.nodes(): x1, y1 = positions[node] ax.text( x1, y1, str(node), horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center", fontsize=font_size, color=font_color, zorder=annotation.get_zorder() + 1, ) ax.axis("equal") return ax