Source code for netket.operator._abstract_operator

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import abc

from netket.utils.types import DType

from netket.hilbert import AbstractHilbert

from ._abstract_observable import AbstractObservable

[docs] class AbstractOperator(AbstractObservable): """Abstract class for quantum Operators. An operator is a general object that defines a linear transformation on vectors of the Hilbert space and their expectation value can be comptued starting from a variational state using the method `expect` or `expect_and_grad` of the variational states. If the object is not a linear operator but some more general function, it should inherit from {class}`~netket.operator.AbstractObservable` instead. Operators over discrete hilbert spaces that can be converted to a dense representation should instead inherit from {class}`~netket.operator.DiscreteOperator`, while operators over that only work over continuous hilbert spaces should inherit from {class}`~netket.operator.ContinuousOperator`. This class determines the basic methods that an operator must implement to work correctly with NetKet. """ def __init__(self, hilbert: AbstractHilbert): super().__init__(hilbert) @property def is_hermitian(self) -> bool: """Returns true if this operator is hermitian.""" return False @property def H(self) -> "AbstractOperator": """Returns the Conjugate-Transposed operator""" if self.is_hermitian: return self from ._lazy import Adjoint return Adjoint(self) @property def T(self) -> "AbstractOperator": """Returns the transposed operator""" return self.transpose() @property @abc.abstractmethod def dtype(self) -> DType: """The dtype of the operator's matrix elements ⟨σ|Ô|σ'⟩."""
[docs] def collect(self) -> "AbstractOperator": """ Returns a guaranteed concrete instance of an operator. As some operations on operators return lazy wrappers (such as transpose, hermitian conjugate...), this is used to obtain a guaranteed non-lazy operator. """ return self
[docs] def transpose(self, *, concrete=False) -> "AbstractOperator": """Returns the transpose of this operator. Args: concrete: if True returns a concrete operator and not a lazy wrapper Returns: if concrete is not True, self or a lazy wrapper; the transposed operator otherwise """ if not concrete: from ._lazy import Transpose return Transpose(self) else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def conjugate(self, *, concrete=False) -> "AbstractOperator": """Returns the complex-conjugate of this operator. Args: concrete: if True returns a concrete operator and not a lazy wrapper Returns: if concrete is not True, self or a lazy wrapper; the complex-conjugated operator otherwise """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def conj(self, *, concrete=False) -> "AbstractOperator": return self.conjugate(concrete=False)
def __repr__(self): return f"{type(self).__name__}(hilbert={self.hilbert}, dtype={self.dtype})"