Source code for netket.operator.spin

# Copyright 2021 The NetKet Authors - All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from scipy import sparse as _sparse

from netket.utils.types import DType as _DType

from netket.hilbert import DiscreteHilbert as _DiscreteHilbert

from ._local_operator import LocalOperator as _LocalOperator

[docs] def identity(hilbert: _DiscreteHilbert, dtype: _DType = None) -> _LocalOperator: """ Builds the :math:`\\mathbb{I}` identity operator. Args: hilbert: The hilbert space. dtype: The datatype to use for the matrix elements. Returns: An instance of {class}`nk.operator.LocalOperator`. """ return _LocalOperator(hilbert, constant=1.0, dtype=dtype)
[docs] def sigmax( hilbert: _DiscreteHilbert, site: int, dtype: _DType = None ) -> _LocalOperator: """ Builds the :math:`\\sigma^x` operator acting on the `site`-th of the Hilbert space `hilbert`. If `hilbert` is a non-Spin space of local dimension M, it is considered as a (M-1)/2 - spin space. Args: hilbert: The hilbert space. site: The site on which this operator acts. dtype: The datatype to use for the matrix elements. Returns: An instance of {class}`nk.operator.LocalOperator`. """ import numpy as np N = hilbert.size_at_index(site) S = (N - 1) / 2 D = [np.sqrt((S + 1) * 2 * a - a * (a + 1)) for a in np.arange(1, N)] mat = np.diag(D, 1) + np.diag(D, -1) mat = _sparse.coo_matrix(mat) return _LocalOperator(hilbert, mat, [site], dtype=dtype)
[docs] def sigmay( hilbert: _DiscreteHilbert, site: int, dtype: _DType = None ) -> _LocalOperator: """ Builds the :math:`\\sigma^y` operator acting on the `site`-th of the Hilbert space `hilbert`. If `hilbert` is a non-Spin space of local dimension M, it is considered as a (M-1)/2 - spin space. Args: hilbert: The hilbert space. site: The site on which this operator acts. dtype: The datatype to use for the matrix elements. Returns: An instance of {class}`nk.operator.LocalOperator`. """ import numpy as np import netket.jax as nkjax if not nkjax.is_complex_dtype(dtype): import jax.numpy as jnp import warnings old_dtype = dtype dtype = jnp.promote_types(complex, old_dtype) if old_dtype is not None: warnings.warn( np.ComplexWarning( f"A complex dtype is required (dtype={old_dtype} specified). " f"Promoting to dtype={dtype}." ), stacklevel=2, ) N = hilbert.size_at_index(site) S = (N - 1) / 2 D = np.array([1j * np.sqrt((S + 1) * 2 * a - a * (a + 1)) for a in np.arange(1, N)]) mat = np.diag(D, -1) + np.diag(-D, 1) mat = _sparse.coo_matrix(mat) return _LocalOperator(hilbert, mat, [site], dtype=dtype)
[docs] def sigmaz( hilbert: _DiscreteHilbert, site: int, dtype: _DType = None ) -> _LocalOperator: """ Builds the :math:`\\sigma^z` operator acting on the `site`-th of the Hilbert space `hilbert`. If `hilbert` is a non-Spin space of local dimension M, it is considered as a (M-1)/2 - spin space. Args: hilbert: The hilbert space. site: The site on which this operator acts. dtype: The datatype to use for the matrix elements. Returns: An instance of {class}`nk.operator.LocalOperator`. """ import numpy as np N = hilbert.size_at_index(site) S = (N - 1) / 2 D = np.array([2 * m for m in np.arange(S, -(S + 1), -1)]) mat = np.diag(D, 0) mat = _sparse.coo_matrix(mat) return _LocalOperator(hilbert, mat, [site], dtype=dtype)
[docs] def sigmam( hilbert: _DiscreteHilbert, site: int, dtype: _DType = None ) -> _LocalOperator: """ Builds the :math:`\\sigma^{-} = \\frac{1}{2}(\\sigma^x - i \\sigma^y)` operator acting on the `site`-th of the Hilbert space `hilbert`. If `hilbert` is a non-Spin space of local dimension M, it is considered as a (M-1)/2 - spin space. Args: hilbert: The hilbert space. site: The site on which this operator acts. dtype: The datatype to use for the matrix elements. Returns: An instance of {class}`nk.operator.LocalOperator`. """ import numpy as np N = hilbert.size_at_index(site) S = (N - 1) / 2 S2 = (S + 1) * S D = np.array([np.sqrt(S2 - m * (m - 1)) for m in np.arange(S, -S, -1)]) mat = np.diag(D, -1) mat = _sparse.coo_matrix(mat) return _LocalOperator(hilbert, mat, [site], dtype=dtype)
[docs] def sigmap( hilbert: _DiscreteHilbert, site: int, dtype: _DType = None ) -> _LocalOperator: """ Builds the :math:`\\sigma^{+} = \\frac{1}{2}(\\sigma^x + i \\sigma^y)` operator acting on the `site`-th of the Hilbert space `hilbert`. If `hilbert` is a non-Spin space of local dimension M, it is considered as a (M-1)/2 - spin space. Args: hilbert: The hilbert space. site: The site on which this operator acts. dtype: The datatype to use for the matrix elements. Returns: An instance of {class}`nk.operator.LocalOperator`. """ import numpy as np N = hilbert.size_at_index(site) S = (N - 1) / 2 S2 = (S + 1) * S D = np.array([np.sqrt(S2 - m * (m + 1)) for m in np.arange(S - 1, -(S + 1), -1)]) mat = np.diag(D, 1) mat = _sparse.coo_matrix(mat) return _LocalOperator(hilbert, mat, [site], dtype=dtype)