Source code for

# Copyright 2021 The NetKet Authors - All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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from typing import Callable, Optional

import jax

from dataclasses import dataclass

from netket.vqs import VariationalState
from netket.utils.types import Scalar, ScalarOrSchedule

from .qgt import QGTAuto
from .preconditioner import AbstractLinearPreconditioner

[docs] @dataclass class SR(AbstractLinearPreconditioner): r""" Stochastic Reconfiguration or Natural Gradient preconditioner for the gradient. Constructs the structure holding the parameters for using the Stochastic Reconfiguration/Natural gradient method. This preconditioner changes the gradient :math:`\nabla_i E` such that the preconditioned gradient :math:`\Delta_j` solves the system of equations .. math:: (S_{i,j} + \delta_{i,j}(\epsilon_1 S_{i,i} + \epsilon_2)) \Delta_{j} = \nabla_i E Where :math:`S` is the Quantum Geometric Tensor (or Fisher Information Matrix), preconditioned according to the diagonal scale :math:`\epsilon_1` (`diag_scale`) and the diagonal shift :math:`\epsilon_2` (`diag_shift`). The default regularisation takes :math:`\epsilon_1=0` and :math:`\epsilon_2=0.01`. Depending on the arguments, an implementation is chosen. For details on all possible kwargs check the specific SR implementations in the documentation. You can also construct one of those structures directly. .. warning:: NetKet also has an experimental implementation of the SR preconditioner using the kernel trick, also known as MinSR. This implementation relies on inverting the :math:`T = X^T X` matrix, where :math:`X` is the Jacobian of wavefunction and is therefore much more efficient than the standard SR for very large numbers of parameters. Look at :class:`netket.experimental.driver.VMC_SRt` for more details. """ diag_shift: ScalarOrSchedule = 0.01 """Diagonal shift added to the S matrix. Can be a Scalar value, an `optax <>`_ schedule or a Callable function.""" diag_scale: Optional[ScalarOrSchedule] = None """Diagonal shift added to the S matrix. Can be a Scalar value, an `optax <>`_ schedule or a Callable function.""" qgt_constructor: Callable = None """The Quantum Geometric Tensor type or a constructor.""" qgt_kwargs: dict = None """The keyword arguments to be passed to the Geometric Tensor constructor."""
[docs] def __init__( self, qgt: Optional[Callable] = None, solver: Callable =, *, diag_shift: ScalarOrSchedule = 0.01, diag_scale: Optional[ScalarOrSchedule] = None, solver_restart: bool = False, **kwargs, ): r""" Constructs the structure holding the parameters for using the Stochastic Reconfiguration/Natural gradient method. Depending on the arguments, an implementation is chosen. For details on all possible kwargs check the specific SR implementations in the documentation. You can also construct one of those structures directly. Args: qgt: The Quantum Geometric Tensor type to use. solver: (Defaults to :func:``) The method used to solve the linear system. Must be a jax-jittable function taking as input a pytree and outputting a tuple of the solution and extra data. diag_shift: (Default `0.01`) Diagonal shift added to the S matrix. Can be a Scalar value, an `optax <>`_ schedule or a Callable function. diag_scale: (Default `0`) Scale of the shift proportional to the diagonal of the S matrix added added to it. Can be a Scalar value, an `optax <>`_ schedule or a Callable function. solver_restart: If False uses the last solution of the linear system as a starting point for the solution of the next (default=False). holomorphic: boolean indicating if the ansatz is boolean or not. May speed up computations for models with complex-valued parameters. """ if qgt is None: qgt = QGTAuto(solver) self.qgt_constructor = qgt self.qgt_kwargs = kwargs self.diag_shift = diag_shift self.diag_scale = diag_scale super().__init__(solver, solver_restart=solver_restart)
[docs] def lhs_constructor(self, vstate: VariationalState, step: Optional[Scalar] = None): """ This method does things """ diag_shift = self.diag_shift if callable(self.diag_shift): if step is None: raise TypeError( "If you use a scheduled `diag_shift`, you must call " "the precoditioner with an extra argument `step`." ) diag_shift = diag_shift(step) diag_scale = self.diag_scale if callable(self.diag_scale): if step is None: raise TypeError( "If you use a scheduled `diag_scale`, you must call " "the precoditioner with an extra argument `step`." ) diag_scale = diag_scale(step) return self.qgt_constructor( vstate, diag_shift=diag_shift, diag_scale=diag_scale, **self.qgt_kwargs, )
def __repr__(self): return ( f"{type(self).__name__}(" + f"\n qgt_constructor = {self.qgt_constructor}, " + f"\n diag_shift = {self.diag_shift}, " + f"\n diag_scale = {self.diag_scale}, " + f"\n qgt_kwargs = {self.qgt_kwargs}, " + f"\n solver = {self.solver}, " + f"\n solver_restart = {self.solver_restart}" + ")" )