Source code for netket.sampler.rules.custom_numpy

# Copyright 2021 The NetKet Authors - All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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from typing import Any

from numba import jit

import numpy as np
from flax import struct

from netket.operator import DiscreteOperator
from netket.utils.types import Array

from .base import MetropolisRule

class CustomRuleState:
    sections: np.ndarray
    rand_op_n: np.ndarray
    weight_cumsum: np.ndarray

[docs] class CustomRuleNumpy(MetropolisRule): operator: Any = struct.field(pytree_node=False) weight_list: Any = struct.field(pytree_node=False)
[docs] def __init__(self, operator: DiscreteOperator, weight_list: Array = None): """ Construct a Custom Rule. Args: operator: a LocalOperator describing the possible moves. weight_list: an optional list of probability for every move. """ if not isinstance(operator, DiscreteOperator): raise TypeError( "Argument to CustomRuleNumpy must be a valid operator, " f"but operator is a {type(operator)}." ) # Raise errors if hilbert is not valid _check_operators(operator.operators) if weight_list is None: weight_list = np.ones(operator.n_operators, dtype=np.float32) if weight_list is not None: if weight_list.shape != (operator.n_operators,): raise ValueError("move_weights have the wrong shape") if weight_list.min() < 0: raise ValueError("move_weights must be positive") self.operator = operator # normalise self.weight_list = weight_list / weight_list.sum()
[docs] def init_state(rule, sampler, machine, params, key): return CustomRuleState( sections=np.empty(sampler.n_batches, dtype=np.int32), rand_op_n=np.empty(sampler.n_batches, dtype=np.int32), weight_cumsum=rule.weight_list.cumsum(), )
[docs] def transition(rule, sampler, machine, parameters, state, rng, σ): rule_state = state.rule_state # numba does not support jitting np.random number generators # so we have to generate the random numbers outside the jit # block rnd_uniform = rng.uniform(0.0, 1.0, size=σ.shape[0]) _pick_random_and_init( σ.shape[0], rule_state.weight_cumsum, rnd_uniform=rnd_uniform, out=rule_state.rand_op_n, ) σ_conns, mels = rule.operator.get_conn_filtered( state.σ, rule_state.sections, rule_state.rand_op_n ) # numba does not support jitting np.random number generators # so we have to generate the random numbers outside the jit # block rnd_uniform = rng.uniform(0.0, 1.0, size=state.σ1.shape[0]) _choose_and_return( state.σ1, σ_conns, mels, rule_state.sections, state.log_prob_corr, rnd_uniform, )
@jit(nopython=True) def _pick_random_and_init(batch_size, move_cumulative, rnd_uniform, out): for i in range(batch_size): p = rnd_uniform[i] out[i] = np.searchsorted(move_cumulative, p) # return out @jit(nopython=True) def _choose_and_return(σp, x_prime, mels, sections, log_prob_corr, rnd_uniform): low = 0 for i in range(σp.shape[0]): p = rnd_uniform[i] exit_state = 0 cumulative_prob = mels[low].real while p > cumulative_prob: exit_state += 1 cumulative_prob += mels[low + exit_state].real σp[i] = x_prime[low + exit_state] low = sections[i] log_prob_corr.fill(0.0) def _check_operators(operators): for op in operators: op = op.todense() assert op.imag.max() < 1.0e-10 assert op.min() >= 0 assert np.allclose(op.sum(axis=0), 1.0) assert np.allclose(op.sum(axis=1), 1.0) assert np.allclose(op, op.T)