Source code for

# Copyright 2021 The NetKet Authors - All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# Ignore false-positives for redefined `product` functions:
# pylint: disable=function-redefined

import itertools
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np

from netket.utils import HashableArray, struct
from netket.utils.types import Array, DType, Shape
from netket.utils.dispatch import dispatch

from ._group import FiniteGroup
from ._semigroup import Element

[docs] class Permutation(Element):
[docs] def __init__(self, permutation: Array, name: Optional[str] = None): r""" Creates a `Permutation` from an array of preimages of :code:`range(N)`. Arguments: permutation: 1D array listing :math:`g^{-1}(x)` for all :math:`0\le x < N` (i.e., :code:`V[permutation]` permutes the elements of `V` as desired) name: optional, custom name for the permutation Returns: a `Permutation` object encoding the same permutation """ self.permutation = HashableArray(np.asarray(permutation)) self.__name = name
def __hash__(self): return hash(self.permutation) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Permutation): return self.permutation == other.permutation else: return False @property def _name(self): return self.__name def __repr__(self): if self._name is not None: return self._name else: return f"Permutation({np.asarray(self).tolist()})" def __array__(self, dtype: DType = None): return np.asarray(self.permutation, dtype)
[docs] def apply_to_id(self, x: Array): """Returns the image of indices `x` under the permutation""" return np.argsort(self.permutation)[x]
@dispatch def product(p: Permutation, x: Array): # if p.permutation is a HashableArray and x is a jax Array # direct indexing fails, so we call np.asarray on it to extract the # wrapped array # TODO make indexing work with HashableArray directly return x[..., np.asarray(p.permutation)] @dispatch def product(p: Permutation, q: Permutation): # noqa: F811 name = None if p._name is None and q._name is None else f"{p} @ {q}" return Permutation(p(np.asarray(q)), name)
[docs] @struct.dataclass class PermutationGroup(FiniteGroup): r""" Collection of permutation operations acting on sequences of length :code:`degree`. Group elements need not all be of type :class:``, only act as such on a sequence when called. The class can contain elements that are distinct as objects (e.g., :code:`Identity()` and :code:`Translation((0,))`) but have identical action. Those can be removed by calling :meth:``. """ degree: int """Number of elements the permutations act on.""" def __hash__(self): return super().__hash__() def _canonical(self, x: Element) -> Array: return x(np.arange(, dtype=int))
[docs] def to_array(self) -> Array: r""" Convert the abstract group operations to an array of permutation indices. It returns a matrix where the `i`-th row contains the indices corresponding to the `i`-th group element. That is, :code:`self.to_array()[i, j]` is :math:`g_i^{-1}(j)`. Moreover, .. code:: G = # this permutation group... V = np.arange( assert np.all(G(V) == V[..., G.to_array()]) Returns: A matrix that can be used to index arrays in the computational basis in order to obtain their permutations. """ return self._canonical_array()
def __array__(self, dtype=None) -> Array: return np.asarray(self.to_array(), dtype=dtype)
[docs] def remove_duplicates(self, *, return_inverse=False) -> "PermutationGroup": r""" Returns a new :code:`PermutationGroup` with duplicate elements (that is, elements which represent identical permutations) removed. Args: return_inverse: If `True`, also return indices to reconstruct the original group from the result. Returns: The permutation group with duplicate elements removed. If :code:`return_inverse==True`, it also returns the indices needed to reconstruct the original group from the result. """ if return_inverse: group, inverse = super().remove_duplicates(return_inverse=True) else: group = super().remove_duplicates(return_inverse=False) pgroup = PermutationGroup(group.elems, if return_inverse: return pgroup, inverse else: return pgroup
@struct.property_cached def inverse(self) -> Array: try: lookup = self._canonical_lookup() inverses = [] # `np.argsort` on a 1D permutation list generates the inverse permutation # it acts along last axis by default, so can perform it on to_array() # `np.argsort` changes int32 to int64 on Windows, # and we need to change it back perms = self.to_array() invperms = np.argsort(perms).astype(perms.dtype) for invperm in invperms: inverses.append(lookup[HashableArray(invperm)]) return np.asarray(inverses, dtype=int) except KeyError as err: raise RuntimeError( "PermutationGroup does not contain the inverse of all elements" ) from err @struct.property_cached def product_table(self) -> Array: perms = self.to_array() inverse = perms[self.inverse].squeeze() n_symm = len(perms) lookup = np.unique(np.column_stack((perms, np.arange(len(self)))), axis=0) product_table = np.zeros([n_symm, n_symm], dtype=int) for i, g_inv in enumerate(inverse): row_perms = perms[:, g_inv] row_perms = np.unique( np.column_stack((row_perms, np.arange(len(self)))), axis=0 ) # row_perms should be a permutation of perms, so identical after sorting if np.any(row_perms[:, :-1] != lookup[:, :-1]): raise RuntimeError( "PermutationGroup is not closed under multiplication" ) # match elements in row_perms to group indices product_table[i, row_perms[:, -1]] = lookup[:, -1] return product_table @property def shape(self) -> Shape: r""" Tuple :code:`(<# of group elements>, <degree>)`. Equivalent to :code:`self.to_array().shape`. """ return (len(self),
[docs] def apply_to_id(self, x: Array): """Returns the image of indices `x` under all permutations""" return self.to_array()[self.inverse][:, x]
@dispatch def product(A: PermutationGroup, B: PermutationGroup): # noqa: F811 if != raise ValueError( "Incompatible groups (`PermutationGroup`s of different degree)" ) return PermutationGroup( elems=[a @ b for a, b in itertools.product(A.elems, B.elems)], ) @dispatch def product(G: PermutationGroup, x: Array): # noqa: F811 return np.moveaxis(x[..., G.to_array()], -2, 0)