The Hilbert module#

The Hilbert module defines the abstract Hilbert space API and some concrete implementations, such as Spin, Fock. An Hilbert object represents a Hilbert space together with a particular choice of computational basis. They are needed to construct most other objects in NetKet, but they can also be useful to experiment and validate variational ansätze.

Hilbert space objects are all sub-classes of the abstract class AbstractHilbert, which defines the general API respected by all implementations. You can see a birds-eye view of the inheritance diagram among the various kinds of Hilbert spaces included with NetKet below (you can click on the nodes in the graph to go to their API documentation page). Classes whose edge is dashed are abstract classes, while the others are concrete and can be instantiated.

Inheritance diagram of netket.hilbert

AbstractHilbert makes very few assumptions on the structure of the resulting space and you will generally very rarely interact with it directly. Derived from AbstractHilbert are two less generic, but still abstract, types: DiscreteHilbert, representing Hilbert spaces where the local degrees of freedom are countable, and ContinuousHilbert, representing the Hilbert spaces with continuous bases, such as particles in a box.

So far, the majority of NetKet development has focused DiscreteHilbert spaces which therefore have a much more developed API, while ContinuousHilbert is still experimental and does not yet support many operations.

The most important class of discrete Hilbert spaces are subclasses of HomogeneousHilbert, which is a tensor product of a finite number of local Hilbert spaces of the same kind, each with the same number of local degrees of freedom. HomogeneousHilbert has the concrete subclasses Fock, Spin, and Qubit.

TensorHilbert represents tensor products of different homogeneous hilbert spaces, therefore it is not homogeneous. You can use it to represent composite systems such as spin-boson setups.

DoubledHilbert represents a space doubled through Choi’s Isomorphism. This is the space of density matrices and is used to work with dissipative/open systems.

The AbstractHilbert interface#

As we mentioned before, an Hilbert object represents at the same time a choice of Hilbert space and computational basis. The reason why we need to specify a computational basis is that with Variational methods we often have to perform summations (or sample) the hilbert space. For example, we often write the wavefunction as

\[ |\psi\rangle = \sum_{\bf{\sigma}\in\mathcal{H}} \psi(\sigma) |\bf{\sigma}\rangle \]

The choice of computational basis affects the values that those \(\bf{\sigma} = |\sigma_0, \sigma_1, \sigma_2, \dots, \sigma_N\rangle \) will take To give an example: when working with Qubits we often take as the basis the \(\hat{Z}\) basis, where \(\sigma_i=\{0,1\}\), but we could have also chosen the \(\hat{Y}\) or \(\hat{X}\) basis, where operators would have different basis elements.

Currently, all the operators shipping with NetKet hardcode the choice of \(\hat{Z}\) (or number-basis in Fock space) as the computational basis, but eventually we might relax this constraint.


All Hilbert spaces expose one attribute: size This is an integer that exposes how many degrees of freedom has the basis of the Hilbert space. For discrete spaces, this corresponds exactly to the number of sites (which is, e.g., the number of spins in a Spin Hilbert space). Therefore, elements of the basis of an \(N\) spin-\(1/2\) system are vectors in \(\{-1,+1\}^N\), an \(N-\) dimensional space.

As NetKet is a package focused on Monte Carlo calculations, we also need a way to generate random configurations distributed uniformly from the basis of an Hilbert space. This can be achieved through the method random_state().

AbstractHilbert.random_state(key=None, size=None, dtype=<class 'numpy.float32'>)[source]#

Generates either a single or a batch of uniformly distributed random states. Runs as random_state(self, key, size=None, dtype=np.float32) by default.

  • key – rng state from a jax-style functional generator.

  • size (int | None) – If provided, returns a batch of configurations of the form (size, N) if size is an integer or (*size, N) if it is a tuple and where \(N\) is the Hilbert space size. By default, a single random configuration with shape (#,) is returned.

  • dtype – DType of the resulting vector.

Return type:



A state or batch of states sampled from the uniform distribution on the hilbert space.


>>> import netket, jax
>>> hi = netket.hilbert.Qubit(N=2)
>>> k1, k2 = jax.random.split(jax.random.PRNGKey(1))
>>> print(hi.random_state(key=k1))
[1. 0.]
>>> print(hi.random_state(key=k2, size=2))
[[0. 0.]
 [0. 1.]]

random_state() behaves similarly to jax.random.uniform(): the first argument is a Jax PRNGKey, the second is the shape or number of resulting elements and the third is the dtype of the output (which defaults to np.float32, or single precision). The resulting basis elements will be distributed uniformly.


If you are not familiar with Jax random number generators: Jax PRNGKey is the state of the Pseudo-random number generator, that determines what will be the next random numbers generated. To learn more about it, refer to this documentation).

Composing Hilbert spaces#

Hilbert spaces can be composed together. The syntax to do that is Python’s multiplication operator, *, which will be interpreted as a Kronecker product, or tensor product, of those Hilbert spaces, in the specified order.

It is also possible to take Kronecker powers of an Hilbert space with the exponent operator ** using an integer exponent. This will be interpreted as repeating the Kronecker product N times.

At times, when trying to compose Hilbert spaces, you might hit a NotImplementedError. This means that the composition of those two spaces has not yet been implemented by anyone. Please do open an issue or a feature request on the GitHub repository if you encounter this error.

The DiscreteHilbert interface#

DiscreteHilbert is also an abstract class from which any hilbert space with countable (or discrete) local degrees of freedom must inherit. Examples of such spaces are spins or bosons on a lattice.

You can always probe their shape, which returns a tuple with the size of the Hilbert space on every site/degree of freedom. For example, for 4 spins-\(1/2\) coupled to a bosonic mode with a cutoff of 5 bosons, the shape will be [2,2,2,2,6].

>>> from netket.hilbert import Spin, Fock
>>> hi = Spin(1/2, 4)*Fock(5)
>>> hi.shape
array([2, 2, 2, 2, 6])

The shape is also linked to the local Hilbert basis, which lists all possible values that a basis elements can take on this particular lattice site/subsystem. For example, on the first four sites of the example above, the basis elements are only 2: [-1, 1], while on the last site they are 6: [0,1,2,3,4,5].

This information can be extracted with the states_at_index() method, as shown below:

>>> hi.states_at_index(0)
[-1.0, 1.0]
>>> hi.states_at_index(1)
[-1.0, 1.0]
>>> hi.states_at_index(4)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

It should be now evident why NetKet distinguishes locally discrete/countable spaces from arbitrary (e.g: continuous) spaces: if we can index the local basis, we can perform many optimisations and write efficient kernels to compute matrix elements of operators, but also Monte-Carlo samplers will propose transitions in a very different way than in continuous spaces.

You can also obtain the total size of the hilbert space by invoking n_states, which in general is equivalent to calling

>>> hi.n_states

Bear in mind that this attribute only works if the Hilbert space is indexable (is_indexable), which is true if it has a dimension smaller than \(2^{64}\).

NetKet also supports discrete-but-infinite hilbert spaces, such as Fock spaces with no cutoff. Those hilbert spaces are of course not indexable (is_indexable will return False) and they are further signaled by the attribute (is_finite, which will be set to False.

The only non-finite (discrete) hilbert space implemented in NetKet is the Fock space, and it can be constructed by not specifying the cutoff, as shown below:

>>> Fock() # 1 mode with no cutoff
Fock(n_max=INT_MAX, N=1)
>>> Fock(None, N=3)  # 3 modes with no cutoff
Fock(n_max=INT_MAX, N=3)
>>> Fock()**3  # 3 modes with no cutoff, alternative syntax
Fock(n_max=INT_MAX, N=3)

Do bear in mind that due to computational limitations, infinite Hilbert spaces are not technically infinite, but simply have their cutoff set to \( 2^{63} \), the largest signed integer.

Indexable spaces#

If a space is indexable it is possible to perform several handy operations on it, especially useful when you are checking the correctness of your calculations. In practice all those operations rely on converting elements of the basis such as [0,1,1,0] to an integer index labelling all basis elements.

For the following examples, we will be using the Qubit hilbert space, whose local basis is [0,1].

>>> import netket as nk
>>> hi = nk.hilbert.Qubit(3)

Converting indices to basis elements can be performed through the numbers_to_states() method. When converting indices to a basis-element, NetKet relies on a sort of big-endian (or Most-Significant-Bit first) N-ary-encoding: for qubits, index \(0\) will correspond to \(|0,0,0\rangle\), index \(1\) to \(|0,0,1\rangle\), index \(2\) to \(|0,1,0\rangle\) and so on. For hilbert spaces with larger local dimensions, all the local states are iterated continuously.

>>> hi.numbers_to_states(0)
array([0., 0., 0.])
>>> hi.numbers_to_states(1)
array([0., 0., 1.])
>>> hi.numbers_to_states(2)
array([0., 1., 0.])
>>> hi.numbers_to_states(3)
array([0., 1., 1.])
>>> hi.numbers_to_states(7)
array([1., 1., 1.])

It is also possible to perform the opposite transformation and go from a basis element to an integer index using the states_to_numbers() method.

>>> hi.states_to_numbers(np.array([0,0,0]))
>>> hi.states_to_numbers(np.array([0,0,1]))
>>> hi.states_to_numbers(np.array([1,0,1]))

Do notice that all those methods work with arrays too and will convert an array of \(M\) indices to a batch of states, that is, a matrix of size \(M \times N\).

Lastly, it is also possible to obtain the batch of all basis states with the all_states() method.

Constrained Hilbert spaces#

The Hilbert spaces provided by NetKet are compatible with some simple constraints. The constraints that can be imposed are quite ~constrained~ limited themselves: they can only act on the set of basis elements, for example by excluding those that do not satisfy a certain condition.

Warning: Common error

When you define a constrained Hilbert space and you use it with a Markov-Chain sampler, the constraints guarantees that the initial state of the chain, generated through the random_state() method, respects the constraint.

However, it is not guaranteed that a transition rule will respect the constraint. In fact, built-in samplers are not aware of the constraints directly, even though some of can still be used effectively with constraints.

A typical error is to use MetropolisLocal with a constrained Hilbert space, such as a Fock space with a fixed number of particles. A simple workaround is to use MetropolisExchange: as it exchanges the value on two different sites, it guarantees that the total number of particles is conserved, and therefore respects the constraint if it is correctly imposed at the initialization of the chain.

In short: when working with constrained Hilbert spaces you have to take extra care when choosing your sampler. And if you have exotic constraints you will most likely need to define your own transition kernel. But don’t worry: it is very easy! (however nobody has yet written documentation for it. In the meantime, have a look at this discussion)

The constraints supported on the built-in hilbert spaces are:

  • Spin supports an optional keyword argument total_sz which can be used to impose a fixed total magnetization. The total magnetization of a basis element is defined as \(\sum_i \sigma_i\). Be aware that this constraint is efficiently imposed when calling random_state only for spins-\( S=1/2 \), while for larger values of \( S \) it is not efficient. This should not be a problem as long as you use this method just to initialise your markov chains.

>>> hi = nk.hilbert.Spin(0.5, 4, total_sz=0)
>>> hi.all_states()
array([[-1., -1.,  1.,  1.],
       [-1.,  1., -1.,  1.],
       [-1.,  1.,  1., -1.],
       [ 1., -1., -1.,  1.],
       [ 1., -1.,  1., -1.],
       [ 1.,  1., -1., -1.]])
  • Fock supports an optional keyword argument n_particles which can be used to impose a fixed total number of particles.

>>> hi = nk.hilbert.Fock(N=2, n_particles=2)
>>> hi.all_states()
array([[0., 2.],
       [1., 1.],
       [2., 0.]])
  • It is also possible to define a custom (Homogeneous) hilbert space with a custom constraint. To see how to do that, check the section…

Using custom constraints for Discrete Hilbert spaces#

Existing Hilbert spaces such as Spin or Fock support natively a constraint based on the total magnetization or population. However, at times you might want to work with some custom, more complex constraints. You can also specify a custom constraint by specifying the keyword argument constraint=... in their constructor! However you must make sure that the constraint is defined according to the constraint interface, defined by the base class constraint.DiscreteHilbertConstraint.

A constraint effectively declares that the Hilbert space you are working with is smaller than the original Spin or Fock, for example by only considering configurations with a well defined magnetization. Those are often associated to some simmetries.

To work with a custom constraint, you must do 2 things:

  • Define a custom constraint class, used to specify whether a configuration is valid or not. This must be a callable class inheriting from DiscreteHilbertConstraint that if passed a set of configurations will return an array of boolean flags telling netket whether those configurations are valid or not.

  • Optionally define an optimised custom random.random_state() dispatch rule specifying how to generate random configurations directly within the subspace. This is not needed, but the default fallback random state generation rule might be extremely slow for very constraining constraints. In principle this should return configurations distributed uniformly, but it is not terribly important (this is used to start the samplers, so even if it’s a constant it might lead to worse warmup time but it might still work).

Both those methods should be implemented in such a way to be jax.jit()-table. If you can’t write them in a jax-friendly way, you should call your function using jax.pure_callback(), which allows jax to call back into python functions.


In the following example, we will be implementing our own custom SumConstraint

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp

import netket as nk
from netket.utils import struct

class SumConstraint(nk.hilbert.constraint.DiscreteHilbertConstraint):
    # A simple constraint checking that the total sum of the elements
    # in the configuration is equal to a given value.

    total_sum : float = struct.field(pytree_node=False)

    def __init__(self, total_sum):
        self.total_sum = total_sum

    def __call__(self, x):
        # Makes it jax-compatible
       return jnp.sum(x, axis=-1) == self.total_sum

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(("SumConstraint", self.total_sum))

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, SumConstraint):
            return self.total_sum == other.total_sum
        return False

hi = nk.hilbert.Fock(n_max=2, N=5, constraint=SumConstraint(3))

And if you want to define the custom constraint random state generation rule you will also have to define the following function

def random_state_sumconstraint(
        hilb: nk.hilb.Fock, constraint: SumConstraint, key, batches: int, *, dtype=None
    This function should return a batch of `batches` samples distributed uniformly.
    If batches is 3, it should return a matrix of size `(3, hilb.size)`

    As it can be very hard to write those functions in jax, a typical trick is to write them in 
    Numpy and use a pure callback

    def random_constraints_py(key):
        # Create a RNG based on the provided key for reproducibility
        rng = np.random.default_rng(np.array(key))
        # generate random configurations...
        # It should be a numpy matrix with shape (batches, hilb.size) and dtype dtype
        return ...

    return jax.pure_callback(random_constraints_py,
        jax.ShapeDtypeStruct(hilb.size, dtype),

hi = nk.hilbert.Fock(0.5, 10, constraint=SumConstraint(0))

Using Hilbert spaces with jax.jit()ted functions#

Hilbert spaces are immutable, hashable objects. Their hash is computed by hashing their inner fields, determined by the internal _attrs() method. You can freely use AbstractHilbert objects inside of jax.jit()ted functions as long as you specify that they are static.

All attributes and methods of Hilbert spaces can be freely used inside of a jax.jit() block. In particular the random_state() method can be used inside of jitted blocks, as it is written in jax, as long as you pass a valid jax jax.random.PRNGKey() object as the first argument.

Adapting Hilbert spaces with numpy states_to_numbers / numbers_to_states#

If you want to write a custom hilbert space for which states_to_numbers and numbers_to_states are not easily implementable in pure jax code, you can use a jax.pure_callback() as outlined in the following example:

from functools import partial
import numpy as np
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from netket.hilbert import DiscreteHilbert

def numbers_to_states_py(hi, numbers):
    numbers = np.asarray(numbers)
    states = np.zeros((*numbers.shape, hi.size), dtype=hi.dtype)
    b = 1
    for i, s in enumerate(hi.shape):
        b = b * s
        numbers, states[..., i] = np.divmod(numbers, b)
    return states

def states_to_numbers_py(hi, states):
    numbers = np.zeros(states.shape[:-1], dtype=np.int32)
    b = 1
    for i, s in enumerate(hi.shape):
        numbers = numbers + states[..., i] * b
        b = b * s
    return numbers

class ExamplePythonHilbertSpace(DiscreteHilbert):
    def __init__(self, shape, dtype):
        self._dtype = dtype

    def size(self):
        return len(self.shape)

    def dtype(self):
        return self._dtype

    def _attrs(self):
        return (self.shape,)

    def n_states(self):

    def is_finite(self):
        return True

    def numbers_to_states(self, numbers):
        return jax.pure_callback(
            partial(numbers_to_states_py, self),
                (*numbers.shape, self.size),

    def states_to_numbers(self, states):
        return jax.pure_callback(
            partial(states_to_numbers_py, self),
            jax.ShapeDtypeStruct(states.shape[:-1], jnp.int32),

hi = ExamplePythonHilbertSpace((1, 2, 3), jnp.int8)
numbers = np.arange(hi.n_states)
states = jax.jit(lambda hi, i: hi.numbers_to_states(i), static_argnums=0)(hi, numbers)
numbers2 = jax.jit(lambda hi, x: hi.states_to_numbers(x), static_argnums=0)(hi, states)