
class netket.models.MPSPeriodic[source]#

Bases: Module

A periodic Matrix Product State (MPS) for a quantum state of discrete degrees of freedom, wrapped as Jax machine.

The MPS is defined as

\[\Psi(s_1,\dots s_N) = \mathrm{Tr} \left[ A[s_1]\dots A[s_N] \right] ,\]

for arbitrary local quantum numbers \(s_i\), where \(A[s_1]\) is a matrix of dimension (bdim,bdim), depending on the value of the local quantum number \(s_i\).

diag: bool = False#

Whether or not to use diagonal matrices in the MPS tensors.

symperiod: bool = None#

Periodicity in the chain of MPS tensors.

The chain of MPS tensors is constructed as a sequence of identical unit cells consisting of symperiod tensors. if None, symperiod equals the number of physical degrees of freedom.

hilbert: AbstractHilbert#

Hilbert space on which the state is defined.

graph: AbstractGraph#

The graph on which the system is defined.

bond_dim: int#

Virtual dimension of the MPS tensors.

kernel_init: Callable[[Any, Sequence[int], Any], Union[ndarray, Array]]#

the initializer for the MPS weights.


Call self as a function.