Source code for netket.experimental.operator.fermion

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from typing import Optional as _Optional

from netket.utils.types import DType as _DType
from netket.hilbert.abstract_hilbert import AbstractHilbert as _AbstractHilbert
from netket.experimental.operator import FermionOperator2nd as _FermionOperator2nd

[docs]def destroy( hilbert: _AbstractHilbert, site: int, sz: _Optional[int] = None, dtype: _DType = None, ): """ Builds the fermion destruction operator :math:`\\hat{a}` acting on the `site`-th of the Hilbert space `hilbert`. Args: hilbert: The hilbert space. site: the site on which this operator acts. sz: spin projection quantum number. This is the eigenvalue of the corresponding spin-Z Pauli operator (e.g. `sz = ±1` for a spin-1/2, `sz ∈ [-2, -1, 1, 2]` for a spin-3/2 and in general `sz ∈ [-2S, -2S + 2, ... 2S-2, 2S]` for a spin-S ) dtype: The datatype to use for the matrix elements. Returns: The resulting FermionOperator2nd """ idx = _get_index(hilbert, site, sz) return _FermionOperator2nd(hilbert, (((idx, 0),),), dtype=dtype)
[docs]def create( hilbert: _AbstractHilbert, site: int, sz: _Optional[int] = None, dtype: _DType = None, ): """ Builds the fermion creation operator :math:`\\hat{a}^\\dagger` acting on the `site`-th of the Hilbert space `hilbert`. Args: hilbert: The hilbert space site: the site on which this operator acts sz: spin projection quantum number. This is the eigenvalue of the corresponding spin-Z Pauli operator (e.g. `sz = ±1` for a spin-1/2, `sz ∈ [-2, -1, 1, 2]` for a spin-3/2 and in general `sz ∈ [-2S, -2S + 2, ... 2S-2, 2S]` for a spin-S ) dtype: The datatype to use for the matrix elements. Returns: The resulting FermionOperator2nd """ idx = _get_index(hilbert, site, sz) return _FermionOperator2nd(hilbert, (((idx, 1),),), dtype=dtype)
[docs]def number( hilbert: _AbstractHilbert, site: int, sz: _Optional[int] = None, dtype: _DType = None, ): """ Builds the number operator :math:`\\hat{a}^\\dagger\\hat{a}` acting on the `site`-th of the Hilbert space `hilbert`. Args: hilbert: The hilbert space site: the site on which this operator acts site: the site on which this operator acts sz: spin projection quantum number. This is the eigenvalue of the corresponding spin-Z Pauli operator (e.g. `sz = ±1` for a spin-1/2, `sz ∈ [-2, -1, 1, 2]` for a spin-3/2 and in general `sz ∈ [-2S, -2S + 2, ... 2S-2, 2S]` for a spin-S ) dtype: The datatype to use for the matrix elements. Returns: The resulting FermionOperator2nd """ idx = _get_index(hilbert, site, sz) return _FermionOperator2nd( hilbert, ( ( (idx, 1), (idx, 0), ), ), dtype=dtype, )
def _get_index(hilbert: _AbstractHilbert, site: int, sz: _Optional[int] = None): """go from (site, spin_projection) indices to index in the (tensor) hilbert space""" if sz is None: if hasattr(hilbert, "spin") and hilbert.spin is not None: raise ValueError( "hilbert spaces with spin property require to specify the sz value to get the position in hilbert space" ) return site elif not hasattr(hilbert, "spin"): raise ValueError("cannot specify sz for hilbert without spin property") elif hasattr(hilbert, "_get_index"): # keep it general idx = hilbert._get_index(site, sz) if idx >= hilbert.size: raise IndexError( "requested site and sz combination is not present in the hilbert space" ) return idx else: raise NotImplementedError( f"no method _get_index available for hilbert space {hilbert} that allows to find the position in hilbert space based on a spin projection value sz" )
[docs]def identity(hilbert: _AbstractHilbert, dtype: _DType = None): """ Builds the :math:`\\mathbb{I}` identity operator. Args: hilbert: The hilbert space. dtype: The datatype to use for the matrix elements. Returns: An instance of {class}`nk.operator.LocalOperator`. """ return _FermionOperator2nd(hilbert, [], [], constant=1.0, dtype=dtype)
def zero(hilbert: _AbstractHilbert, dtype: _DType = None): """ Builds the :math:`0` operator, which has no connected components. Why we provide this is a mistery, as you could just multiply by 0. Args: hilbert: The hilbert space. dtype: The datatype to use for the matrix elements. Returns: An instance of {class}`nk.operator.LocalOperator`.""" return _FermionOperator2nd(hilbert, [], [], constant=0.0, dtype=dtype)