Source code for netket.hilbert.fock

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from typing import Optional, Union
from functools import partial

import numpy as np
from numba import jit

from .homogeneous import HomogeneousHilbert

FOCK_MAX = np.iinfo(np.intp).max - 1
Maximum number of particles in the fock space.
It is `maxvalue(np.int64)-1` because we use N+1 in several formulas
and it would overflow.

def _sum_constraint(x, n_particles):
    return np.sum(x, axis=1) == n_particles

[docs] class Fock(HomogeneousHilbert): r"""Hilbert space obtained as tensor product of local fock basis."""
[docs] def __init__( self, n_max: Optional[int] = None, N: int = 1, n_particles: Optional[int] = None, ): r""" Constructs a new ``Boson`` given a maximum occupation number, number of sites and total number of bosons. Args: n_max: Maximum occupation for a site (inclusive). If None, the local occupation number is unbounded. N: number of bosonic modes (default = 1) n_particles: Constraint for the number of particles. If None, no constraint is imposed. Examples: Simple boson hilbert space. >>> from netket.hilbert import Fock >>> hi = Fock(n_max=5, n_particles=11, N=3) >>> print(hi.size) 3 >>> print(hi.n_states) 15 """ self._n_max = n_max if n_particles is not None: if not isinstance(n_particles, int): raise TypeError( f"n_particles must be an integer. Got {n_particles} ({type(n_particles)})" ) n_particles = int(n_particles) if n_particles < 0: raise ValueError( f"Number of particles must be >= 0, but received {n_particles}." ) self._n_particles = n_particles if self._n_max is None: self._n_max = n_particles else: if self._n_max * N < n_particles: raise Exception( """The required total number of bosons is not compatible with the given n_max.""" ) constraints = partial(_sum_constraint, n_particles=n_particles) else: constraints = None self._n_particles = None if self._n_max is not None: # assert self._n_max > 0 local_states = np.arange(self._n_max + 1) else: self._n_max = FOCK_MAX local_states = None super().__init__(local_states, N, constraints)
@property def n_max(self) -> Optional[int]: r"""The maximum number of bosons per site, or None if the number is unconstrained.""" return self._n_max @property def n_particles(self) -> Optional[int]: r"""The total number of particles, or None if the number is unconstrained.""" return self._n_particles def __pow__(self, n) -> "Fock": if self.n_particles is None: return Fock(self.n_max, self.size * n) return NotImplemented def _mul_sametype_(self, other: "Fock") -> "Fock": assert type(self) == type(other) if self.n_max == other.n_max: if self._n_particles is None and other._n_particles is None: return Fock(self.n_max, N=self.size + other.size) return NotImplemented
[docs] def ptrace(self, sites: Union[int, list]) -> Optional["Fock"]: if isinstance(sites, int): sites = [sites] for site in sites: if site < 0 or site >= self.size: raise ValueError( f"Site {site} not in this hilbert space of site {self.size}" ) if self.n_particles is not None: raise TypeError( "Cannot take the partial trace with a total particles constraint." ) Nsites = len(sites) if self.size - Nsites == 0: return None else: return Fock(self.n_max, N=self.size - Nsites)
def __repr__(self): n_particles = ( f", n_particles={self._n_particles}" if self._n_particles is not None else "" ) nmax = self._n_max if self._n_max < FOCK_MAX else "FOCK_MAX" return f"Fock(n_max={nmax}{n_particles}, N={self.size})"
[docs] def states_to_local_indices(self, x): return x.astype(np.int32)
@property def _attrs(self): return (self.size, self._n_max, self._n_particles)