
class netket.sampler.rules.TensorRule[source]#

Bases: MetropolisRule

A Metropolis sampling rule that can be used to combine different rules acting on different subspaces of the same tensor-hilbert space.

Inheritance diagram of netket.sampler.rules.TensorRule
__init__(hilbert, rules)[source]#

Construct the composition of rules.

It should be constructed by passing a TensorHilbert space as a first argument and a list of rules as a second argument. Each rule[i] will be used to generate a transition for the i-th subspace of the tensor hilbert space.

  • hilbert (TensorHilbert) – The tensor hilbert space on which the rule acts.

  • rules (tuple[MetropolisRule, ...]) – A list of rules, one for each subspace of the tensor hilbert space.

Return type:


hilbert: TensorHilbert#

The hilbert space upon which this rule is defined. This must be a nk.hilbert.TensorHilbert with the same size as the expected input samples.

rules: tuple[MetropolisRule, ...]#

Tuple of rules to be used on every partition of the hilbert space.

init_state(sampler, machine, params, key)[source]#

Initialises the optional internal state of the Metropolis sampler transition rule.

The provided key is unique and does not need to be split.

It should return an immutable data structure.

  • sampler (MetropolisSampler) – The Metropolis sampler.

  • machine (Module) – A Flax module with the forward pass of the log-pdf.

  • params (Any) – The PyTree of parameters of the model.

  • key (Any) – A Jax PRNGKey.

Return type:

Any | None


An optional state.

random_state(sampler, machine, params, sampler_state, key)[source]#

Generates a random state compatible with this rule.

By default this calls netket.hilbert.random.random_state().

  • sampler (MetropolisSampler) – The Metropolis sampler.

  • machine (Module) – A Flax module with the forward pass of the log-pdf.

  • params (Any) – The PyTree of parameters of the model.

  • sampler_state (SamplerState) – The current state of the sampler. Should not modify it.

  • key (Any) – The PRNGKey to use to generate the random state.


Replace the values of the fields of the object with the values of the keyword arguments. If the object is a dataclass, dataclasses.replace will be used. Otherwise, a new object will be created with the same type as the original object.

Return type:

TypeVar(P, bound= Pytree)

  • self (P)

  • kwargs (Any)

reset(sampler, machine, params, sampler_state)[source]#

Resets the internal state of the Metropolis Sampler Transition Rule.

The default implementation returns the current rule_state without modifying it.

  • sampler (MetropolisSampler) – The Metropolis sampler.

  • machine (Module) – A Flax module with the forward pass of the log-pdf.

  • params (Any) – The PyTree of parameters of the model.

  • sampler_state (SamplerState) – The current state of the sampler. Should not modify it.

Return type:

Any | None


A reset state of the rule. This returns the same type of rule_state() and might be None.

transition(sampler, machine, parameters, state, key, σ)[source]#

Proposes a new configuration set of configurations $sigma’$ starting from the current chain configurations \(\sigma\).

The new configurations \(\sigma'\) should be a matrix with the same dimension as \(\sigma\).

This function should return a tuple. where the first element are the new configurations $sigma’$ and the second element is either None or an array of length σ.shape[0] containing an optional log-correction factor. The correction factor should be non-zero when the transition rule is non-symmetrical.

  • sampler – The Metropolis sampler.

  • machine – A Flax module with the forward pass of the log-pdf.

  • params – The PyTree of parameters of the model.

  • sampler_state – The current state of the sampler. Should not modify it.

  • key – A Jax PRNGKey to use to generate new random configurations.

  • σ – The current configurations stored in a 2D matrix.


A tuple containing the new configurations \(\sigma'\) and the optional vector of log corrections to the transition probability.