Netket has the following classes of errors.
Error classes#
Illegal attempt to use state indexing function from inside of a Jax function transformation. |
Complex-to-Complex model detected. |
Illegal attempt to use a Jax-operator Numba-operators constructed inside of a Jax function transformation with non-constant data. |
Illegal attempt to convert to the Numba format a Jax operator that had been flattened and unflattened. |
QGTOnTheFly cannot be converted to a dense matrix for non-holomorphic functions which have complex parameters. |
Illegal attempt to use Numba-operators inside of a Jax function transformation. |
This error is raised when you apply the Quantum Geometric Tensor of a |
SRt should be used when the number of parameters exceed the number of samples. |
This error when you attempt to use a module with an input having a wrong number of dimensions. |
Error thrown when the structure of the parameters does not match the expected structure. |
Warning thrown when attempting to create a periodic lattice on a lattice with less than two sites in one direction. |
Hilbert space errors#
Errors arising when working with Hilbert spaces and their constraints:
Warning thrown when calling random_state on a Hilbert space with a custom constraint. |
Error thrown when a constraint is not a fully static pytree, and it cannot be hashed. |
Error thrown when a constraint for an Homogeneous Hilbert space does not conform to the expected interface. |
PyTree errors#
Error thrown when trying to assign an undeclared attribute to a NetKet-style Pytree. |