This sub-module contains several pre-built models to be used as neural quantum states.
Generic models#
This section lists some simple variational architectures.
_Exact_ ansatz storing the logarithm of the full, exponentially large wavefunction coefficients. |
A restricted boltzman Machine, equivalent to a 2-layer FFNN with a nonlinear activation function in between. |
A fully connected Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) with real-valued parameters. |
A fully connected Restricted Boltzmann Machine (see |
A symmetrized RBM using the |
Jastrow wave function \(\Psi(s) = \exp(\sum_{i \neq j} s_i W_{ij} s_j)\), where W is a symmetric matrix. |
Encodes a Positive-Definite Neural Density Matrix using the ansatz from Torlai and Melko, PRL 120, 240503 (2018). |
Implements a Group Convolutional Neural Network (G-CNN) that outputs a wavefunction that is invariant over a specified symmetry group. |
Implements the DeepSets architecture, which is permutation invariant. |
A Multi-Layer Perceptron with hidden layers. |
Autoregressive models#
The following autoregressive models can be directly sampled using ARDirectSampler
Those that follow are the abstract classes that can be inherited from in order to build an autoregressive model.
Base class for autoregressive neural networks. |
Implementation of an ARNN that sequentially calls its layers, and optionally an activation function. |
Implementation of a fast ARNN that sequentially calls its layers and activation function. |
And those are some default implementation of Dense and Convolutional-autoregressive Neural networks. Those are built by using masked dense and masked convolutional layers.
Autoregressive neural network with dense layers. |
Autoregressive neural network with 1D convolution layers. |
Autoregressive neural network with 2D convolution layers. |
Fast autoregressive neural network with 1D convolution layers. |
Fast autoregressive neural network with 2D convolution layers. |
Continuous degrees of freedom#
The following models are particularly suited for systems with continuous degrees of freedom (Particle
Multivariate Gaussian function with mean 0 and parametrised covariance matrix \(\Sigma_{ij}\). |
Implements an equivariant version of the DeepSets architecture given by ( |
Tensor Networks#
The following models are tensor networks, that can be used as variational ansatzes:
An open Matrix Product State (MPS) for a quantum state of discrete degrees of freedom. |
A periodic Matrix Product State (MPS) for a quantum state of discrete degrees of freedom. |
A Matrix Product Density Operator (MPDO) with open boundary conditions for a quantum mixed state of discrete degrees of freedom. |
A Matrix Product Density Operator (MPDO) with periodic boundary conditions for a quantum mixed state of discrete degrees of freedom. |
Experimental models#
The following models are experimental, meaning that we could change them at some point, and we actively seeking for feedback and opinions on their usage and APIs.
Fermionic models#
The following models are for 2nd-quantisation fermionic hilbert spaces (SpinOrbitalFermions
A slater determinant ansatz for second-quantised spinless or spin-full fermions. |
A slater determinant ansatz for second-quantised spinless or spin-full fermions with a sum of determinants. |
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)#
The following are abstract models for Recurrent neural networks (and their fast versions).
Base class for recurrent neural networks. |
Base class for recurrent neural networks with fast sampling. |
The following are concrete, ready to use versions of Recurrent Neural Networks
Long short-term memory network. |
Long short-term memory network with fast sampling. |
Gated recurrent unit network. |
Gated recurrent unit network with fast sampling. |