Source code for netket.experimental.dynamics._rk_solver

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from . import _rk_tableau as rkt
from ._rk_solver_structures import RKIntegratorConfig

args_fixed_dt_docstring = """
        dt: Timestep (floating-point number).

args_adaptive_docstring = """
    This solver is adaptive, meaning that the time-step is changed at every
    iteration in order to keep the error below a certain threshold.

    In particular, given the variables at step :math:`t`, :math:`\\theta^{t}` and the
    error at the same time-step, :math:`\\epsilon^t`, we compute a rescaled error by
    using the absolute (**atol**) and relative (**reltol**) tolerances according
    to this formula.

    .. math::

        \\epsilon^\\text{scaled} = \\text{Norm}(\\frac{\\epsilon^{t}}{\\epsilon_{atol} +
            \\max(\\theta^t, \\theta^{t-1})\\epsilon_{reltol}}),

    where :math:`\\text{Norm}` is a function that normalises the vector, usually a vector
    norm but could be something else as well, and :math:`\\max` is an elementwise maximum
    function (with lexicographical ordering for complex numbers).

    Then, the integrator will attempt to keep `\\epsilon^\\text{scaled}<1`.

        dt: Timestep (floating-point number). When :code:`adaptive==False` this value
            is never changed, when :code:`adaptive == True` this is the initial timestep.
        adaptive: Whether to use adaptive timestepping (Defaults to False).
            Not all integrators support adaptive timestepping.
        atol: Maximum absolute error at every time-step during adaptive timestepping.
            A larger value will lead to larger timestep. This option is ignored if
            `adaptive=False`. A value of 0 means it is ignored. Note that the `norm` used
            to compute the error can be  changed in the :ref:`netket.experimental.TDVP`
            driver. (Defaults to 0).
        rtol: Maximum relative error at every time-step during adaptive timestepping.
            A larger value will lead to larger timestep. This option is ignored if
            `adaptive=False`. Note that the `norm` used to compute the error can be
            changed in the :ref:`netket.experimental.TDVP` driver. (Defaults to 1e-7)
        dt_limits: A length-2 tuple of minimum and maximum timesteps considered by
            adaptive time-stepping. A value of None signals that there is no bound.
            Defaults to :code:`(None, 10*dt)`.

def append_docstring(doc):
    Decorator that appends the string `doc` to the decorated function.

    This is needed here because docstrings cannot be f-strings or manipulated strings.

    def _append_docstring(fun):
        fun.__doc__ = fun.__doc__ + doc
        return fun

    return _append_docstring

[docs] @append_docstring(args_fixed_dt_docstring) def Euler(dt): r""" The canonical first-order forward Euler method. Fixed timestep only. """ return RKIntegratorConfig(dt, tableau=rkt.bt_feuler)
[docs] @append_docstring(args_fixed_dt_docstring) def Midpoint(dt): r""" The second order midpoint method. Fixed timestep only. """ return RKIntegratorConfig(dt, tableau=rkt.bt_midpoint)
[docs] @append_docstring(args_fixed_dt_docstring) def Heun(dt): r""" The second order Heun's method. Fixed timestep only. """ return RKIntegratorConfig(dt, tableau=rkt.bt_heun)
[docs] @append_docstring(args_fixed_dt_docstring) def RK4(dt): r""" The canonical Runge-Kutta Order 4 method. Fixed timestep only. """ return RKIntegratorConfig(dt, tableau=rkt.bt_rk4)
[docs] @append_docstring(args_adaptive_docstring) def RK12(dt, **kwargs): r""" The second order Heun's method. Uses embedded Euler method for adaptivity. Also known as Heun-Euler method. """ return RKIntegratorConfig(dt, tableau=rkt.bt_rk12, **kwargs)
[docs] @append_docstring(args_adaptive_docstring) def RK23(dt, **kwargs): r""" 2nd order adaptive solver with 3rd order error control, using the Bogacki–Shampine coefficients """ return RKIntegratorConfig(dt, tableau=rkt.bt_rk23, **kwargs)
[docs] @append_docstring(args_adaptive_docstring) def RK45(dt, **kwargs): r""" Dormand-Prince's 5/4 Runge-Kutta method. (free 4th order interpolant). """ return RKIntegratorConfig(dt, tableau=rkt.bt_rk4_dopri, **kwargs)