Source code for netket.experimental.sampler.metropolis_pt

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from typing import Any, Optional
from functools import partial

import numpy as np

import jax
from jax import numpy as jnp

from netket import config
from netket.utils.types import PyTree, PRNGKeyT
from netket.utils import struct, mpi
from netket.jax.sharding import with_samples_sharding_constraint

from netket.sampler import MetropolisSamplerState, MetropolisSampler
from netket.sampler.rules import LocalRule, ExchangeRule, HamiltonianRule

# Original C++ Implementation
# Python port

class MetropolisPtSamplerState(MetropolisSamplerState):
    beta: jnp.ndarray = None

    n_accepted_per_beta: jnp.ndarray = None
    beta_0_index: jnp.ndarray = None
    beta_position: jnp.ndarray = None
    beta_diffusion: jnp.ndarray = None
    exchange_steps: int = 0

    def __init__(
        σ: jnp.ndarray,
        rng: jnp.ndarray,
        rule_state: Optional[Any],
        beta: jnp.ndarray,
        n_chains, n_replicas = beta.shape

        self.beta = beta
        self.n_accepted_per_beta = jnp.zeros((n_chains, n_replicas), dtype=int)
        self.beta_0_index = jnp.zeros((n_chains,), dtype=int)
        self.beta_position = jnp.zeros((n_chains,), dtype=float)
        self.beta_diffusion = jnp.zeros((n_chains,), dtype=float)
        self.exchange_steps = jnp.zeros((), dtype=int)
        super().__init__(σ, rng, rule_state)

    def __repr__(self):
        if self.n_steps > 0:
            acc_string = "# accepted = {}/{} ({}%), ".format(
                self.n_accepted, self.n_steps, self.acceptance * 100
            acc_string = ""

        text = "MetropolisNumpySamplerState(" + acc_string + f"rng state={self.rng})"
        text = "MetropolisPtSamplerState(" + acc_string + f"rng state={self.rng}"
        return text

[docs] class MetropolisPtSampler(MetropolisSampler): """ Metropolis-Hastings with Parallel Tempering sampler. This sampler samples an Hilbert space, producing samples off a specific dtype. The samples are generated according to a transition rule that must be specified. """ n_replicas: int = struct.field(pytree_node=False, default=32) """ The number of replicas evolving with different temperatures for every _physical_ markov chain. The total number of chains evolved is :code:`n_chains * n_replicas`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, n_replicas: int = 32, **kwargs): r""" ``MetropolisSampler`` is a generic Metropolis-Hastings sampler using a transition rule to perform moves in the Markov Chain. The transition kernel is used to generate a proposed state :math:`s^\prime`, starting from the current state :math:`s`. The move is accepted with probability .. math:: A(s\rightarrow s^\prime) = \mathrm{min}\left (1,\frac{P(s^\prime)}{P(s)} e^{L(s,s^\prime)} \right), where the probability being sampled from is :math:`P(s)=|M(s)|^p`. Here :math:`M(s)` is a user-provided function (the machine), :math:`p` is also user-provided with default value :math:`p=2`, and :math:`L(s,s^\prime)` is a suitable correcting factor computed by the transition kernel. Args: hilbert: The hilbert space to sample rule: A `MetropolisRule` to generate random transitions from a given state as well as uniform random states. n_chains: The number of Markov Chain to be run in parallel on a single process. sweep_size: The number of exchanges that compose a single sweep. If None, sweep_size is equal to the number of degrees of freedom being sampled (the size of the input vector s to the machine). n_chains: The number of batches of the states to sample (default = 8) machine_pow: The power to which the machine should be exponentiated to generate the pdf (default = 2). dtype: The dtype of the states sampled (default = np.float32). """ if ( not isinstance(n_replicas, int) and n_replicas > 0 and np.mod(self.n_replicas, 2) == 0 ): raise ValueError("n_replicas must be an even integer > 0.") self.n_replicas = n_replicas super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
@property def n_batches(self) -> int: r""" The batch size of the configuration $\sigma$ used by this sampler on this jax process. If you are not using MPI, this is equal to `n_chains * n_replicas`, but if you are using MPI this is equal to `n_chains_per_rank * n_replicas`. """ if config.netket_experimental_sharding: n_batches = self.n_chains else: n_batches, remainder = divmod(self.n_chains, mpi.n_nodes) if remainder != 0: raise RuntimeError( "The number of chains is not a multiple of the number of mpi ranks" ) return n_batches * self.n_replicas @partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=1) def _init_state( sampler, machine, parameters: PyTree, key: PRNGKeyT ) -> MetropolisPtSamplerState: key_state, key_rule, rng = jax.random.split(key, 3) rule_state = sampler.rule.init_state(sampler, machine, parameters, key_rule) σ = sampler.rule.random_state(sampler, machine, parameters, rule_state, rng) σ = with_samples_sharding_constraint(σ) beta = 1.0 - jnp.arange(sampler.n_replicas) / sampler.n_replicas beta = jnp.tile(beta, (sampler.n_chains, 1)) return MetropolisPtSamplerState( σ=σ, rng=key_state, rule_state=rule_state, beta=beta, ) @partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=1) def _reset(sampler, machine, parameters: PyTree, state: MetropolisPtSamplerState): state = super()._reset(machine, parameters, state) return state.replace( n_accepted_per_beta=jnp.zeros_like(state.n_accepted_per_beta), beta_position=jnp.zeros_like(state.beta_position), beta_diffusion=jnp.zeros_like(state.beta_diffusion), exchange_steps=jnp.zeros_like(state.exchange_steps), # beta=beta, # beta_0_index=jnp.zeros((sampler.n_chains,), dtype=jnp.int64), ) def _sample_next( sampler, machine, parameters: PyTree, state: MetropolisPtSamplerState ): def loop_body(i, s): # 1 to propagate for next iteration, 1 for uniform rng and n_chains for transition kernel s["key"], key1, key2, key3, key4 = jax.random.split(s["key"], 5) # def cbi(data): # i, beta = data # print("sweep #", i, " for beta=\n", beta) # return beta # # beta = # cbi, # (i, s["beta"]), # result_shape=jax.ShapeDtypeStruct(s["beta"].shape, s["beta"].dtype), # ) beta = s["beta"] σp, log_prob_correction = sampler.rule.transition( sampler, machine, parameters, state, key1, s["σ"] ) proposal_log_prob = sampler.machine_pow * machine.apply(parameters, σp).real uniform = jax.random.uniform(key2, shape=(sampler.n_batches,)) if log_prob_correction is not None: do_accept = uniform < jnp.exp( beta.reshape((-1,)) * (proposal_log_prob - s["log_prob"] + log_prob_correction) ) else: do_accept = uniform < jnp.exp( beta.reshape((-1,)) * (proposal_log_prob - s["log_prob"]) ) # do_accept must match ndim of proposal and state (which is 2) s["σ"] = jnp.where(do_accept.reshape(-1, 1), σp, s["σ"]) n_accepted_per_beta = s["n_accepted_per_beta"] + do_accept.reshape( (sampler.n_chains, sampler.n_replicas) ) s["log_prob"] = jax.numpy.where( do_accept.reshape(-1), proposal_log_prob, s["log_prob"] ) # exchange betas # randomly decide if every set of replicas should be swapped in even or odd order swap_order = jax.random.randint( key3, minval=0, maxval=2, shape=(sampler.n_chains,), ) # 0 or 1 # iswap_order = jnp.mod(swap_order + 1, 2) #  1 or 0 # indices of even swapped elements (per-row) idxs = jnp.arange(0, sampler.n_replicas, 2).reshape( (1, -1) ) + swap_order.reshape((-1, 1)) # indices off odd swapped elements (per-row) inn = (idxs + 1) % sampler.n_replicas # for every rows of the input, swap elements at idxs with elements at inn @partial(jax.vmap, in_axes=(0, 0, 0), out_axes=0) def swap_rows(beta_row, idxs, inn): proposed_beta =[idxs].set( beta_row[inn], unique_indices=True, indices_are_sorted=True ) proposed_beta =[inn].set( beta_row[idxs], unique_indices=True, indices_are_sorted=False ) return proposed_beta proposed_beta = swap_rows(beta, idxs, inn) @partial(jax.vmap, in_axes=(0, 0, 0), out_axes=0) def compute_proposed_prob(prob, idxs, inn): prob_rescaled = prob[idxs] + prob[inn] return prob_rescaled # compute the probability of the swaps log_prob = (proposed_beta - state.beta) * s["log_prob"].reshape( (sampler.n_chains, sampler.n_replicas) ) prob_rescaled = jnp.exp(compute_proposed_prob(log_prob, idxs, inn)) uniform = jax.random.uniform( key4, shape=(sampler.n_chains, sampler.n_replicas // 2) ) do_swap = uniform < prob_rescaled do_swap = jnp.dstack((do_swap, do_swap)).reshape( (-1, sampler.n_replicas) ) # concat along last dimension # roll if swap_ordeer is odd @partial(jax.vmap, in_axes=(0, 0), out_axes=0) def fix_swap(do_swap, swap_order): return jax.lax.cond( swap_order == 0, lambda x: x, lambda x: jnp.roll(x, 1), do_swap ) do_swap = fix_swap(do_swap, swap_order) # jax.experimental.host_callback.id_print(state.beta) # jax.experimental.host_callback.id_print(proposed_beta) # new_beta = jax.numpy.where(do_swap, proposed_beta, beta) # def cb(data): # _bt, _pbt, new_beta, so, do_swap, log_prob, prob = data # print("--------.---------.---------.--------") # print(" cur beta:\n", _bt) # print("proposed beta:\n", _pbt) # print(" new beta:\n", new_beta) # print("swaporder :", so) # print("do_swap :\n", do_swap) # print("log_prob;\n", log_prob) # print("prob_rescaled;\n", prob) # return new_beta # # new_beta = # cb, # ( # beta, # proposed_beta, # new_beta, # swap_order, # do_swap, # log_prob, # prob_rescaled, # ), # result_shape=jax.ShapeDtypeStruct(new_beta.shape, new_beta.dtype), # ) # s["beta"] = new_beta swap_order = swap_order.reshape(-1) beta_0_moved = jax.vmap( lambda do_swap, i: do_swap[i], in_axes=(0, 0), out_axes=0 )(do_swap, state.beta_0_index) proposed_beta_0_index = jnp.mod( state.beta_0_index + (-jnp.mod(swap_order, 2) * 2 + 1) * (-jnp.mod(state.beta_0_index, 2) * 2 + 1), sampler.n_replicas, ) s["beta_0_index"] = jnp.where( beta_0_moved, proposed_beta_0_index, s["beta_0_index"] ) # swap acceptances swapped_n_accepted_per_beta = swap_rows(n_accepted_per_beta, idxs, inn) s["n_accepted_per_beta"] = jax.numpy.where( do_swap, swapped_n_accepted_per_beta, n_accepted_per_beta, ) # Update statistics to compute diffusion coefficient of replicas # Total exchange steps performed delta = s["beta_0_index"] - s["beta_position"] s["beta_position"] = s["beta_position"] + delta / ( state.exchange_steps + jnp.asarray(i, dtype=jnp.int64) ) delta2 = s["beta_0_index"] - s["beta_position"] s["beta_diffusion"] = s["beta_diffusion"] + delta * delta2 return s new_rng, rng = jax.random.split(state.rng) # def cbr(data): # new_rng, rng = data # print("sample_next newrng:\n", new_rng, "\nand rng:\n", rng) # return new_rng # # new_rng = # cbr, # (new_rng, rng), # result_shape=jax.ShapeDtypeStruct(new_rng.shape, new_rng.dtype), # ) s = { "key": rng, "σ": state.σ, "log_prob": sampler.machine_pow * machine.apply(parameters, state.σ).real, "beta": state.beta, # for logging "beta_0_index": state.beta_0_index, "n_accepted_per_beta": state.n_accepted_per_beta, "beta_position": state.beta_position, "beta_diffusion": state.beta_diffusion, } s = jax.lax.fori_loop(0, sampler.sweep_size, loop_body, s) new_state = state.replace( rng=new_rng, σ=s["σ"], # n_accepted=s["accepted"], n_steps_proc=state.n_steps_proc + sampler.sweep_size * sampler.n_chains, beta=s["beta"], beta_0_index=s["beta_0_index"], beta_position=s["beta_position"], beta_diffusion=s["beta_diffusion"], exchange_steps=state.exchange_steps + sampler.sweep_size, n_accepted_per_beta=s["n_accepted_per_beta"], ) offsets = jnp.arange( 0, sampler.n_chains * sampler.n_replicas, sampler.n_replicas ) return new_state, new_state.σ[new_state.beta_0_index + offsets, :]
[docs] def MetropolisLocalPt(hilbert, *args, **kwargs): r""" Sampler acting on one local degree of freedom. This sampler acts locally only on one local degree of freedom :math:`s_i`, and proposes a new state: :math:`s_1 \dots s^\prime_i \dots s_N`, where :math:`s^\prime_i \neq s_i`. The transition probability associated to this sampler can be decomposed into two steps: 1. One of the site indices :math:`i = 1\dots N` is chosen with uniform probability. 2. Among all the possible (:math:`m`) values that :math:`s_i` can take, one of them is chosen with uniform probability. For example, in the case of spin :math:`1/2` particles, :math:`m=2` and the possible local values are :math:`s_i = -1,+1`. In this case then :class:`MetropolisLocal` is equivalent to flipping a random spin. In the case of bosons, with occupation numbers :math:`s_i = 0, 1, \dots n_{\mathrm{max}}`, :class:`MetropolisLocal` would pick a random local occupation number uniformly between :math:`0` and :math:`n_{\mathrm{max}}`. Args: hilbert: The hilbert space to sample n_chains: The number of Markov Chain to be run in parallel on a single process. sweep_size: The number of exchanges that compose a single sweep. If None, sweep_size is equal to the number of degrees of freedom being sampled (the size of the input vector s to the machine). n_chains: The number of batches of the states to sample (default = 8) machine_pow: The power to which the machine should be exponentiated to generate the pdf (default = 2). dtype: The dtype of the states sampled (default = np.float32). """ return MetropolisPtSampler(hilbert, LocalRule(), *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def MetropolisExchangePt(hilbert, *args, clusters=None, graph=None, d_max=1, **kwargs): r""" This sampler acts locally only on two local degree of freedom :math:`s_i` and :math:`s_j`, and proposes a new state: :math:`s_1 \dots s^\prime_i \dots s^\prime_j \dots s_N`, where in general :math:`s^\prime_i \neq s_i` and :math:`s^\prime_j \neq s_j`. The sites :math:`i` and :math:`j` are also chosen to be within a maximum graph distance of :math:`d_{\mathrm{max}}`. The transition probability associated to this sampler can be decomposed into two steps: 1. A pair of indices :math:`i,j = 1\dots N`, and such that :math:`\mathrm{dist}(i,j) \leq d_{\mathrm{max}}`, is chosen with uniform probability. 2. The sites are exchanged, i.e. :math:`s^\prime_i = s_j` and :math:`s^\prime_j = s_i`. Notice that this sampling method generates random permutations of the quantum numbers, thus global quantities such as the sum of the local quantum numbers are conserved during the sampling. This scheme should be used then only when sampling in a region where :math:`\sum_i s_i = \mathrm{constant}` is needed, otherwise the sampling would be strongly not ergodic. Args: hilbert: The hilbert space to sample d_max: The maximum graph distance allowed for exchanges. n_chains: The number of Markov Chain to be run in parallel on a single process. sweep_size: The number of exchanges that compose a single sweep. If None, sweep_size is equal to the number of degrees of freedom being sampled (the size of the input vector s to the machine). n_chains: The number of batches of the states to sample (default = 8) machine_pow: The power to which the machine should be exponentiated to generate the pdf (default = 2). dtype: The dtype of the states sampled (default = np.float32). Examples: Sampling from a RBM machine in a 1D lattice of spin 1/2, using nearest-neighbours exchanges. >>> import pytest; pytest.skip("EXPERIMENTAL") >>> import netket as nk >>> import netket.sampler.metropolis_pt as mpt >>> >>> g=nk.graph.Hypercube(length=10,n_dim=2,pbc=True) >>> hi=nk.hilbert.Spin(s=0.5, N=g.n_nodes) >>> >>> # Construct a MetropolisExchange Sampler >>> sa = mpt.MetropolisExchangePt(hi, graph=g) >>> print(sa) MetropolisSampler(rule = ExchangeRule(# of clusters: 200), n_chains = 16, machine_power = 2, sweep_size = 100, dtype = <class 'numpy.float64'>) """ rule = ExchangeRule(clusters=clusters, graph=graph, d_max=d_max) return MetropolisPtSampler(hilbert, rule, *args, **kwargs)
def MetropolisHamiltonianPt(hilbert, hamiltonian, *args, **kwargs): r""" Sampling based on the off-diagonal elements of a Hamiltonian (or a generic Operator). In this case, the transition matrix is taken to be: .. math:: T( \mathbf{s} \rightarrow \mathbf{s}^\prime) = \frac{1}{\mathcal{N}(\mathbf{s})}\theta(|H_{\mathbf{s},\mathbf{s}^\prime}|), where :math:`\theta(x)` is the Heaviside step function, and :math:`\mathcal{N}(\mathbf{s})` is a state-dependent normalization. The effect of this transition probability is then to connect (with uniform probability) a given state :math:`\mathbf{s}` to all those states :math:`\mathbf{s}^\prime` for which the Hamiltonian has finite matrix elements. Notice that this sampler preserves by construction all the symmetries of the Hamiltonian. This is in generally not true for the local samplers instead. Args: machine: A machine :math:`\Psi(s)` used for the sampling. The probability distribution being sampled from is :math:`F(\Psi(s))`, where the function :math:`F(X)`, is arbitrary, by default :math:`F(X)=|X|^2`. hamiltonian: The operator used to perform off-diagonal transition. n_chains: The number of Markov Chain to be run in parallel on a single process. sweep_size: The number of exchanges that compose a single sweep. If None, sweep_size is equal to the number of degrees of freedom (n_visible). Examples: Sampling from a RBM machine in a 1D lattice of spin 1/2 >>> import pytest; pytest.skip("EXPERIMENTAL") >>> import netket as nk >>> import netket.sampler.metropolis_pt as mpt >>> >>> g=nk.graph.Hypercube(length=10,n_dim=2,pbc=True) >>> hi=nk.hilbert.Spin(s=0.5, N=g.n_nodes) >>> >>> # Transverse-field Ising Hamiltonian >>> ha = nk.operator.Ising(hilbert=hi, h=1.0, graph=g) >>> >>> # Construct a MetropolisExchange Sampler >>> sa = mpt.MetropolisHamiltonianPt(hi, hamiltonian=ha) >>> print(sa) MetropolisSampler(rule = HamiltonianRule(Ising(J=1.0, h=1.0; dim=100)), n_chains = 16, machine_power = 2, sweep_size = 100, dtype = <class 'numpy.float64'>) """ rule = HamiltonianRule(hamiltonian) return MetropolisPtSampler(hilbert, rule, *args, **kwargs)