Source code for netket.experimental.sampler.rules.fermion_2nd

from functools import partial

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from typing import Optional
import numpy as np

from netket.sampler.rules import ExchangeRule
from netket.graph import AbstractGraph
from netket.graph import disjoint_union
from netket.experimental.hilbert import SpinOrbitalFermions
from netket.jax.sharding import sharding_decorator

[docs] class ParticleExchangeRule(ExchangeRule): """Exchange rule for particles on a lattice. Works similarly to :class:`netket.sampler.rules.ExchangeRule`, but takes into account that only occupied orbitals can be exchanged with unoccupied ones. This sampler conserves the number of particles. """
[docs] def __init__( self, hilbert, *, clusters: Optional[list[tuple[int, int]]] = None, graph: Optional[AbstractGraph] = None, d_max: int = 1, exchange_spins: bool = False, ): r""" Constructs the ParticleExchange Rule. Particles are only exchanged between modes where the particle number is different. For fermions, only occupied orbitals can be exchanged with unoccupied ones. You can pass either a list of clusters or a netket graph object to determine the clusters to exchange. Args: hilbert: The hilbert space to be sampled. clusters: The list of clusters that can be exchanged. This should be a list of 2-tuples containing two integers. Every tuple is an edge, or cluster of sites to be exchanged. graph: A graph, from which the edges determine the clusters that can be exchanged. d_max: Only valid if a graph is passed in. The maximum distance between two sites exchange_spins: (default False) If exchange_spins, the graph must encode the connectivity between the first N physical sites having same spin, and it is replicated using :func:`netket.graph.disjoint_union` other every spin subsector. This option conserves the number of fermions per spin subsector. If the graph does not have a number of sites equal to the number of orbitals in the hilbert space, this flag has no effect. """ if not isinstance(hilbert, SpinOrbitalFermions): raise ValueError( "This sampler rule currently only works with SpinOrbitalFermions hilbert spaces." ) if not exchange_spins and hilbert.n_spin_subsectors > 1: if graph is not None and graph.n_nodes == hilbert.n_orbitals: graph = disjoint_union(*[graph] * hilbert.n_spin_subsectors) if clusters is not None and np.max(clusters) < hilbert.n_orbitals: clusters = np.concatenate( [ clusters + i * hilbert.n_orbitals for i in range(hilbert.n_spin_subsectors) ] ) super().__init__(clusters=clusters, graph=graph, d_max=d_max)
def transition(rule, sampler, machine, parameters, state, key, σ): n_chains = σ.shape[0] # compute a mask for the clusters that can be hopped hoppable_clusters = _compute_hoppable_clusters_mask(rule.clusters, σ) keys = jnp.asarray(jax.random.split(key, n_chains)) # we use shard_map to avoid the all-gather coming from the batched jnp.take / indexing @partial(sharding_decorator, sharded_args_tree=(True, True, True)) @jax.vmap def _update_samples(key, σ, hoppable_clusters): # pick a random cluster, taking into account the mask n_conn = hoppable_clusters.sum(axis=-1) cluster = jax.random.choice( key, a=jnp.arange(rule.clusters.shape[0]), p=hoppable_clusters, replace=True, ) # sites to be exchanged si = rule.clusters[cluster, 0] sj = rule.clusters[cluster, 1] σp = σ.at[si].set(σ[sj]) σp = σ[sj].set(σ[si]) # compute the number of connected sites hoppable_clusters_proposed = _compute_hoppable_clusters_mask( rule.clusters, σp ) n_conn_proposed = hoppable_clusters_proposed.sum(axis=-1) log_prob_corr = jnp.log(n_conn) - jnp.log(n_conn_proposed) return σp, log_prob_corr return _update_samples(keys, σ, hoppable_clusters) def __repr__(self): return f"ParticleExchangeRule(# of clusters: {len(self.clusters)})"
@jax.jit def _compute_hoppable_clusters_mask(clusters, σ): # mask the clusters to include only feasible moves (occ -> unocc, or the inverse) hoppable_clusters_mask = ~jnp.isclose( σ[..., clusters[:, 0]], σ[..., clusters[:, 1]] ) return hoppable_clusters_mask