Source code for netket.hilbert.custom_hilbert

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from typing import Optional, Callable

from netket.utils import StaticRange

from .homogeneous import HomogeneousHilbert

[docs] class CustomHilbert(HomogeneousHilbert): r"""A custom hilbert space with discrete local quantum numbers."""
[docs] def __init__( self, local_states: Optional[StaticRange], N: int = 1, constraint_fn: Optional[Callable] = None, ): r""" Constructs a new ``CustomHilbert`` given a list of eigenvalues of the states and a number of sites, or modes, within this hilbert space. Args: local_states: :class:`~netket.utils.StaticRange` object describing the numbers used to encode the local degree of freedom of this Hilbert Space. N: Number of modes in this hilbert space (default 1). constraint_fn: A function specifying constraints on the quantum numbers. Given a batch of quantum numbers it should return a vector of bools specifying whether those states are valid or not. The :class:`netket.utils.StaticRange` object works like a standard `range` object and is used to define the valid configurations of the local degrees of freedom. For example, the :class:`~netket.utils.StaticRange` of a Fock Hilbert space is constructed as .. code-block:: python >>> import netket as nk >>> n_max = 10 >>> nk.utils.StaticRange(start=0, step=1, length=n_max) StaticRange(start=0, step=1, length=10, dtype=int64) and the range of a Spin-1/2 Hilbert space is constructed as: .. code-block:: python >>> import netket as nk >>> n_max = 10 >>> nk.utils.StaticRange(start=-1, step=2, length=2) StaticRange(start=-1, step=2, length=2, dtype=int64) Examples: Simple custom hilbert space. >>> import netket as nk >>> g = nk.graph.Hypercube(length=10,n_dim=2,pbc=True) >>> local_states = nk.utils.StaticRange(start=-2.0, step=1.0, length=4) >>> hi = nk.hilbert.CustomHilbert(local_states=local_states, N=100) >>> print(hi.size) 100 """ super().__init__(local_states, N, constraint_fn)
def _mul_sametype_(self, other): assert type(self) == type(other) if not self.constrained: if self.local_states == other.local_states: return CustomHilbert(self._local_states, self.size + other.size) return NotImplemented