Source code for netket.logging.state_log

# Copyright 2021 The NetKet Authors - All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import tarfile
import time
from io import BytesIO
import glob

import os
from os import path as _path

from flax import serialization

from netket.jax.sharding import extract_replicated

from .base import AbstractLog

def save_binary_to_tar(tar_file, byte_data, name):
    abuf = BytesIO(byte_data)

    # Construct the info object with the correct length
    info = tarfile.TarInfo(name=name)
    info.size = len(abuf.getbuffer())

    # actually save the data to the tar file
    tar_file.addfile(tarinfo=info, fileobj=abuf)

[docs] class StateLog(AbstractLog): """ A logger which serializes the variables of the variational state during a run. The data is saved either to a directory or tar archive in a sequence of files named `[0.mpack, 1.mpack, ...]` where the filename is incremented every time the logger is called. The tar file inside is not flushed to disk (closed) until this object is deleted or python is shut down. """
[docs] def __init__( self, output_prefix: str, mode: str = "write", save_every: int = 1, tar: bool = False, ): """ Initialize the :code:`StateLogger`. Args: output_prefix: the name of the output file before the extension (if tar=True) or of the output folder. save_every: every how many iterations the variables should be saved. (default 1) mode: Specify the behaviour in case the file already exists at this output_prefix. Options are **`[w]rite`**: (default) overwrites file/delete the folder if it already exists; **`[a]ppend`**: appends to the file/folder if it exists, otherwise creates a new file; **`[x]`** or **`fail`**: fails if file/folder already exists; tar: if True creates a tar archive instead of a folder. """ super().__init__() # Shorthands for mode if mode == "w": mode = "write" elif mode == "a": mode = "append" elif mode == "x": mode = "fail" if not ((mode == "write") or (mode == "append") or (mode == "fail")): raise ValueError( "Mode not recognized: should be one of `[w]rite`, `[a]ppend` or " "`[x]`(fail)." ) if tar is True: file_exists = _path.exists(output_prefix + ".tar") else: if output_prefix[-1] != "/": output_prefix = output_prefix + "/" file_exists = _path.exists(output_prefix) if file_exists and mode == "fail": raise ValueError( "Output file/folder already exists. Either delete it manually or " "change `output_prefix`." ) dir_name = _path.dirname(output_prefix) if dir_name != "": os.makedirs(dir_name, exist_ok=True) self._prefix = output_prefix self._file_mode = mode self._save_every = save_every self._old_step = 0 self._steps_notsaved = 0 self._init = False self._runtime_taken = 0.0 # tar self._tar = tar self._tar_file = None self._closed = False
def _init_output(self): if self._tar: self._create_tar_file() else: self._check_output_folder() self._init = True def _create_tar_file(self): if self._tar_file is None: self._tar_file = tarfile.TarFile(self._prefix + ".tar", self._file_mode[0]) self._file_step = 0 if self._file_mode == "append": files = self._tar_file.getnames() file_numbers = [int(file[:-6]) for file in files] file_numbers.sort() self._file_step = file_numbers[-1] + 1 def _check_output_folder(self): self._file_step = 0 if self._file_mode == "write": for file in glob.glob(self._prefix + "*.mpack"): os.remove(file) os.makedirs(self._prefix, exist_ok=True) elif self._file_mode == "append": files = glob.glob(self._prefix + "*.mpack") file_numbers = [int(_path.basename(file)[:-6]) for file in files] file_numbers.sort() self._file_step = file_numbers[-1] + 1
[docs] def close(self): if not self._closed and self._tar_file is not None: self._tar_file.close() self._closed = True
[docs] def __call__(self, step, item, variational_state): old_step = self._old_step if self._steps_notsaved % self._save_every == 0 or step == old_step - 1: self._save_variables(variational_state) self._old_step = step self._steps_notsaved += 1
def _save_variables(self, variational_state): if self._init is False: self._init_output() _time = time.time() binary_data = serialization.to_bytes( extract_replicated(variational_state.variables) ) if self._tar: save_binary_to_tar( self._tar_file, binary_data, str(self._file_step) + ".mpack" ) else: with open(self._prefix + str(self._file_step) + ".mpack", "wb") as f: f.write(binary_data) self._file_step += 1 self._runtime_taken += time.time() - _time def __del__(self): if hasattr(self, "_closed"): self.close()
[docs] def flush(self, variational_state=None): pass
def __repr__(self): return f"TarLog('{self._prefix}', mode={self._file_mode})" def __str__(self): _str = self.__repr__() _str = _str + f"\n Runtime cost: {self._runtime_taken}" return _str