Source code for netket.nn.blocks.symmetry_sum

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from typing import Optional

import jax
import numpy as np

from flax import linen as nn

from netket.jax import logsumexp_cplx
from import PermutationGroup
from netket.utils.types import Array

[docs] class SymmExpSum(nn.Module): r""" A flax module symmetrizing the log-wavefunction :math:`\log\psi_\theta(\sigma)` encoded into another flax module (:class:`flax.linen.Module`) by summing over all possible symmetries :math:`g` in a certain discrete permutation group :math:`G`. .. math:: \log\psi_\theta(\sigma) = \frac{1}{|G|}\log\sum_{g\in G} \chi_g\exp[\log\psi_\theta(T_{g}\sigma)] For the ground-state, it is usually found that :math:`\chi_g=1 \forall g\in G`. To construct this network, one has to specify the module, the symmetry group and (optionally)the id of the character to consider. The module's :code:`.__call__` will be called. The :code:`symm_group` attribute Examples: Constructs a :ref:`netket.nn.blocks.SymmExpSum` for a bare :ref:`netket.models.RBM`, summing over all translations of a 2D Square lattice >>> import netket as nk >>> graph = nk.graph.Square(3) >>> print("number of translational symmetries: ", len(graph.translation_group())) number of translational symmetries: 9 >>> # Construct the bare unsymmetrized machine >>> machine_no_symm = nk.models.RBM(alpha=2) >>> # Symmetrize the RBM over all translations >>> ma = nk.nn.blocks.SymmExpSum(module = machine_no_symm, symm_group=graph.translation_group()) If you have a Convolutional NN that is already invariant under translations, you might want to only symmetrize over the point-group (mirror symmetry and rotations). >>> import netket as nk >>> graph = nk.graph.Square(3) >>> print("number of point-group symmetries: ", len(graph.point_group())) number of point-group symmetries: 8 >>> # Construct the bare unsymmetrized machine >>> machine_no_symm = nk.models.RBM(alpha=2) >>> # Symmetrize the RBM over all translations >>> ma = nk.nn.blocks.SymmExpSum(module = machine_no_symm, symm_group=graph.point_group()) """ module: nn.Module """The neural network architecture encoding the log-wavefunction to symmetrize in the :code:`.__call__` function.""" symm_group: PermutationGroup """The symmetry group to use. It should be a valid :ref:`` object. Can be extracted from a :ref:`netket.graph.Lattice` object by calling :meth:`~netket.graph.Lattice.point_group` or :meth:`~netket.graph.Lattice.translation_group`. Alternatively, if you have a :class:`netket.graph.Graph` object you can build it from :meth:`~netket.graph.Lattice.automorphisms`. .. code:: graph = nk.graph.Square(3) symm_group = graph.point_group() """ character_id: Optional[int] = None """The # identifying the target character in the character table of the symmetry group. By default the characters are taken to be all `1`, giving the homogeneous state. The characters are accessed as: .. code:: symm_group.character_table()[character_id] """
[docs] @nn.compact def __call__(self, x: Array): """ Accepts a single input or arbitrary batch of inputs. The last dimension of x must match the shape of the permutation group. """ # apply the group and obtain a x_symm of shape (N_symm, ...) x_symm = self.symm_group @ x # reshape it to (-1, N_sites) x_symm_shape = x_symm.shape x_symm = x_symm.reshape(-1, x.shape[-1]) # Compute the log-wavefunction obtaining (-1,) and reshape to (N_symm, ...) psi_symm = self.module(x_symm).reshape(*x_symm_shape[:-1]) # Extract the characters. Those are compile-time constant (a numpy array). if self.character_id is None: characters = np.ones(len(np.asarray(self.symm_group))) else: characters = self.symm_group.character_table()[self.character_id] characters = characters.reshape((-1,) + tuple(1 for _ in range(x.ndim - 1))) # If those are all positive, then use standard logsumexp that returns a # real-valued, positive logsumexp logsumexp_fun = ( jax.scipy.special.logsumexp if np.all(characters >= 0) else logsumexp_cplx ) # log (sum_i ( c_i/Nsymm* exp(psi[sigma_i]))) psi = logsumexp_fun(psi_symm, axis=0, b=characters / len(self.symm_group)) return psi