Source code for netket.operator._continuous_operator

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import abc
from typing import Callable, Optional
from import Hashable

from netket.jax import canonicalize_dtypes
from netket.utils.types import DType, PyTree, Array

from netket.hilbert import AbstractHilbert
from netket.operator import AbstractOperator

[docs] class ContinuousOperator(AbstractOperator): r"""This class is the abstract base class for operators defined on a continuous Hilbert space. Users interested in implementing new quantum Operators for continuous Hilbert spaces should subclass `ContinuousOperator` and implement its interface. """
[docs] def __init__(self, hilbert: AbstractHilbert, dtype: Optional[DType] = None): r""" Constructs the continuous operator acting on the given hilbert space and with a certain data type. Args: hilbert: The underlying Hilbert space on which the operator is defined dtype: Data type of the operator, which is used to infer the dtype of expectation values """ dtype = canonicalize_dtypes(float, dtype=dtype) self._dtype = dtype self._hash = None super().__init__(hilbert)
@property def dtype(self) -> DType: return self._dtype @abc.abstractmethod def _expect_kernel( self, logpsi: Callable, params: PyTree, x: Array, data: Optional[PyTree] ): r"""This method defines the action of the local operator on a given quantum state `logpsi` for a given configuration `x`. :math:`O_{loc}(x) = \frac{\bra{x}O{\ket{\psi}}{\bra{x}\ket{\psi}}` This method is executed inside of a `jax.jit` block. Any static data from the operator itself should be captured in the method. Any additional data is provided by the `_pack_arguments`-method and will be passed as the `data` argument in this method (Example: masses in kinetic energy). Args: logpsi: variational state params: parameters for the variational state x: a sample of particle positions data: additional data """ @abc.abstractmethod def _pack_arguments(self) -> Optional[PyTree]: r"""This methods should return a PyTree that will be passed as the `data` argument to the `_expect_kernel`. The PyTree should be composed of jax arrays or hashable objects. For example for the kinetic energy this method would return the masses of the individual particles.""" @abc.abstractproperty def _attrs(self) -> tuple[Hashable, ...]: """This must return a tuple of (hashable) attributes used to compare two operators of the same type and that is hashed to compute the hash of the operator. To hash arrays you can return them as `nk.utils.HashableArray`. """ def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(self, ContinuousOperator) and isinstance( other, ContinuousOperator ): from netket.operator import SumOperator return SumOperator(self, other) else: return NotImplemented # pragma: no cover def __rmul__(self, other): if isinstance(self, ContinuousOperator) and isinstance(other, float): return self * other else: return NotImplemented # pragma: no cover def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(self, ContinuousOperator) and isinstance(other, float): from netket.operator import SumOperator return SumOperator(self, coefficients=other) else: return NotImplemented # pragma: no cover def __sub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, ContinuousOperator): return self + (-other) else: return NotImplemented # pragma: no cover def __neg__(self): return -1.0 * self def __hash__(self): if self._hash is None: self._hash = hash((type(self), self._attrs)) return self._hash def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if isinstance(other, type(self)): return self._attrs == other._attrs return False