Source code for netket.sampler.autoreg

# Copyright 2021 The NetKet Authors - All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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from functools import partial

import flax
import jax
from jax import numpy as jnp

from netket import jax as nkjax
from netket import config
from netket.hilbert import DiscreteHilbert
from netket.sampler import Sampler, SamplerState
from netket.utils.types import PRNGKeyT, DType

class ARDirectSamplerState(SamplerState):
    key: PRNGKeyT
    """state of the random number generator."""

    def __init__(self, key):
        self.key = key

[docs] class ARDirectSampler(Sampler): r""" Direct sampler for autoregressive neural networks. This sampler only works with Flax models. This flax model must expose a specific method, `model.conditional`, which given a batch of samples and an index `i∈[0,self.hilbert.size]` must return the vector of partial probabilities at index `i` for the various (partial) samples provided. In short, if your model can be sampled according to a probability $ p(x) = p_1(x_1)p_2(x_2|x_1)\dots p_N(x_N|x_{N-1}\dots x_1) $ then `model.conditional(x, i)` should return $p_i(x)$. NetKet implements some autoregressive networks that can be used together with this sampler. """
[docs] def __init__( self, hilbert: DiscreteHilbert, machine_pow: None = None, dtype: DType = float, ): """ Construct an autoregressive direct sampler. Args: hilbert: The Hilbert space to sample. dtype: The dtype of the states sampled (default = np.float64). Note: `ARDirectSampler.machine_pow` has no effect. Please set the model's `machine_pow` instead. """ if machine_pow is not None: raise ValueError( "ARDirectSampler.machine_pow should not be used. Modify the model `machine_pow` directly." ) if hilbert.constrained: raise ValueError( "Only unconstrained Hilbert spaces can be sampled autoregressively with " "this sampler. To sample constrained spaces, you must write your own (do get in " "touch with us. We are interested!)" ) return super().__init__(hilbert, machine_pow=2, dtype=dtype)
@property def is_exact(sampler): """ Returns `True` because the sampler is exact. The sampler is exact if all the samples are exactly distributed according to the chosen power of the variational state, and there is no correlation among them. """ return True def _init_cache(sampler, model, σ, key): variables = model.init(key, σ, 0, method=model.conditional) cache = variables.get("cache") return cache def _init_state(sampler, model, variables, key): return ARDirectSamplerState(key=key) def _reset(sampler, model, variables, state): return state @partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(1, 4)) def _sample_chain(sampler, model, variables, state, chain_length): if "cache" in variables: variables, _ = flax.core.pop(variables, "cache") variables_no_cache = variables def scan_fun(carry, index): σ, cache, key = carry if cache: variables = {**variables_no_cache, "cache": cache} else: variables = variables_no_cache new_key, key = jax.random.split(key) p, mutables = model.apply( variables, σ, index, method=model.conditional, mutable=["cache"], ) cache = mutables.get("cache") local_states = jnp.asarray( sampler.hilbert.local_states, dtype=sampler.dtype ) new_σ = nkjax.batch_choice(key, local_states, p) σ = σ.at[:, index].set(new_σ) return (σ, cache, new_key), None new_key, key_init, key_scan = jax.random.split(state.key, 3) # Initialize a buffer for `σ` before generating a batch of samples # The result should not depend on its initial content σ = jnp.zeros( (sampler.n_batches * chain_length, sampler.hilbert.size), dtype=sampler.dtype, ) if config.netket_experimental_sharding: σ = jax.lax.with_sharding_constraint( σ, jax.sharding.PositionalSharding(jax.devices()).reshape(-1, 1) ) # Initialize `cache` before generating a batch of samples, # even if `variables` is not changed and `reset` is not called cache = sampler._init_cache(model, σ, key_init) if cache: variables = {**variables_no_cache, "cache": cache} else: variables = variables_no_cache indices = jnp.arange(sampler.hilbert.size) indices = model.apply(variables, indices, method=model.reorder) (σ, _, _), _ = jax.lax.scan(scan_fun, (σ, cache, key_scan), indices) σ = σ.reshape((sampler.n_batches, chain_length, sampler.hilbert.size)) new_state = state.replace(key=new_key) return σ, new_state