Source code for netket.sampler.rules.langevin

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from typing import Optional

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np
from functools import partial

from flax import struct

from .base import MetropolisRule
import netket.jax as nkjax

[docs] class LangevinRule(MetropolisRule): r""" A transition rule that uses Langevin dynamics [1] to update samples. .. math:: x_{t+dt} = x_t + dt \nabla_x \log p(x) \vert_{x=x_t} + \sqrt{2 dt}\eta, where :math:`\eta` is normal distributed noise :math:`\eta \sim \mathcal{N}(0,1)`. This rule only works for continuous Hilbert spaces. [1]: """ dt: float """Time step in the Langevin dynamics.""" chunk_size: Optional[int] = struct.field(pytree_node=False) """Chunk size for computing gradients of the ansatz."""
[docs] def __init__(self, dt: float = 0.001, chunk_size: Optional[int] = None): """ Constructs the Langevin Hastings proposal rule. Args: dt: the timestep for the langevin dynamics (default=0.001) chunk_size: optional chunk size to reduce memory usage """ self.dt = dt self.chunk_size = chunk_size
[docs] def transition(rule, sampler, machine, parameters, state, key, r): if jnp.issubdtype(r.dtype, jnp.complexfloating): raise TypeError("LangevinRule does not work with complex basis elements.") n_chains = r.shape[0] hilb = sampler.hilbert pbc = np.array(hilb.n_particles * hilb.pbc, dtype=r.dtype) boundary = np.tile(pbc, (n_chains, 1)) Ls = np.array(hilb.n_particles * hilb.extent, dtype=r.dtype) modulus = np.where(np.equal(pbc, False), jnp.inf, Ls) # one langevin step rp, log_corr = _langevin_step( key, r, machine.apply, parameters, sampler.machine_pow, rule.dt, chunk_size=rule.chunk_size, return_log_corr=True, ) rp = jnp.where(np.equal(boundary, False), rp, rp % modulus) return rp, log_corr
def __repr__(self): return f"LangevinRule(dt={self.dt})"
@partial(jax.jit, static_argnames=("apply_fun", "chunk_size", "return_log_corr")) def _langevin_step( key, r, apply_fun, parameters, machine_pow, dt, chunk_size=None, return_log_corr=True, ): """Single step of samples with Langevin dynamics""" n_chains, hilb_size = r.shape # steps with Langevin dynamics noise_vec = jax.random.normal(key, shape=(n_chains, hilb_size), dtype=r.dtype) def _log_prob(x): """Conversion to a log probability""" return machine_pow * apply_fun(parameters, x).real def _single_grad(x): """Derivative of log_prob with respect to a single sample x""" x = x.reshape(x.shape[-1]) g = nkjax.grad(lambda xi: _log_prob(xi).ravel()[0])(x) return g if jnp.iscomplexobj(r) else g.real grad_logp_r = nkjax.vmap_chunked(_single_grad, chunk_size=chunk_size)(r) rp = r + dt * grad_logp_r + jnp.sqrt(2 * dt) * noise_vec if not return_log_corr: return rp else: log_q_xp = -0.5 * jnp.sum(noise_vec**2, axis=-1) grad_logp_rp = nkjax.vmap_chunked(_single_grad, chunk_size=chunk_size)(rp) log_q_x = -jnp.sum((r - rp - dt * grad_logp_rp) ** 2, axis=-1) / (4 * dt) return rp, log_q_x - log_q_xp