Source code for netket.operator._discrete_operator_jax

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import abc

import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse

import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax.experimental.sparse import JAXSparse, BCOO

from netket.operator import AbstractOperator, DiscreteOperator
from netket.utils.optional_deps import import_optional_dependency

[docs] class DiscreteJaxOperator(DiscreteOperator): r"""Abstract base class for discrete operators that can be manipulated inside of jax function transformations. Any operator inheriting from this base class follows the :class:`netket.operator.DiscreteOperator` interface but can additionally be used inside of :func:`jax.jit`, :func:`jax.grad`, :func:`jax.vmap` or similar transformations. When passed to those functions, jax-compatible operators must not be passed as static arguments but as standard arguments, and they will not trigger recompilation if only the coefficients have changed. Most operators can be converted to their jax-enabled counterparts by calling the method :meth:`~netket.operator.DiscreteJaxOperator.to_jax_operator`. Not all operators support this conversion, but as :class:`netket.operator.PauliStrings` are flexible, if you can convert or write your hamiltonian as a sum of pauli strings you will be able to use :class:`netket.operator.PauliStringsJax`. .. note:: Jax does not support dynamically varying shapes, so not all operators can be written as jax operators, and even if they could be written as such, they might generate more connected elements than their Numba counterpart. .. note:: :class:`netket.operator.DiscreteJaxOperator` require a particular version of the hamiltonian sampling rule, :func:`netket.sampler.rules.HamiltonianRuleJax`, that is compatible with Jax. Defining custom discrete operators that are Jax-compatible ---------------------------------------------------------- This class should be inherited by DiscreteOperators which wish to declare jax-compatibility. Classes inheriting from `DiscreteJaxOperator`` should be declared following a scheme like the following. Do notice in particular the declaration of the pytree flattening and unflattening, following the standard APIs of Jax discussed in the `Jax Pytree documentation <>`_. .. code-block:: python from jax.tree_util import register_pytree_node_class @register_pytree_node_class class MyJaxOperator(DiscreteJaxOperator): def __init__(hilbert, ...): super().__init__(hilbert) def tree_flatten(self): array_data = ( ... ) # all arrays struct_data = {'hilbert': self.hilbert, ... # all constant data } return array_data, struct_data @classmethod def tree_unflatten(cls, struct_data, array_data): ... return cls(array_data['hilbert'], ...) @property def max_conn_size(self) -> int: return ... def get_conn_padded(self, x): ... return xp, mels """ @property def max_conn_size(self) -> int: """The maximum number of non zero ⟨x|O|x'⟩ for every x.""" raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_conn_padded(self, x: np.ndarray) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: r"""Finds the connected elements of the Operator. This method can be executed inside of a Jax function transformation. Starting from a batch of quantum numbers :math:`x={x_1, ... x_n}` of size :math:`B \times M` where :math:`B` size of the batch and :math:`M` size of the hilbert space, finds all states :math:`y_i^1, ..., y_i^K` connected to every :math:`x_i`. Returns a matrix of size :math:`B \times K_{max} \times M` where :math:`K_{max}` is the maximum number of connections for every :math:`y_i`. Args: x : A N-tensor of shape :math:`(...,hilbert.size)` containing the batch/batches of quantum numbers :math:`x`. Returns: **(x_primes, mels)**: The connected states x', in a N+1-tensor and an N-tensor containing the matrix elements :math:`O(x,x')` associated to each x' for every batch. """
[docs] def get_conn_flattened( self, x: np.ndarray, sections: np.ndarray ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: r"""Finds the connected elements of the Operator. Starting from a given quantum number :math:`x`, it finds all other quantum numbers :math:`x'` such that the matrix element :math:`O(x,x')` is different from zero. In general there will be several different connected states :math:`x'` satisfying this condition, and they are denoted here :math:`x'(k)`, for :math:`k=0,1...N_{\mathrm{connected}}`. This is a batched version, where x is a matrix of shape :code:`(batch_size,hilbert.size)`. Args: x: A matrix of shape `(batch_size, hilbert.size)` containing the batch of quantum numbers x. sections: An array of sections for the flattened x'. See numpy.split for the meaning of sections. Returns: (matrix, array): The connected states x', flattened together in a single matrix. An array containing the matrix elements :math:`O(x,x')` associated to each x'. """ xp, mels = self.get_conn_padded(x) n_conns = mels.shape[1] xp = xp.reshape(-1, xp.shape[-1]) mels = mels.reshape(-1) sections[:] = n_conns return xp, mels
[docs] def n_conn(self, x, out=None) -> np.ndarray: r"""Return the number of states connected to x. Args: x (matrix): A matrix of shape (batch_size,hilbert.size) containing the batch of quantum numbers x. out (array): If None an output array is allocated. Returns: array: The number of connected states x' for each x[i]. """ if out is None: out = jnp.full(x.shape[0], self.max_conn_size, dtype=np.int32) else: out[:] = self.max_conn_size return out
[docs] def to_sparse(self) -> JAXSparse: r"""Returns the sparse matrix representation of the operator. Note that, in general, the size of the matrix is exponential in the number of quantum numbers, and this operation should thus only be performed for low-dimensional Hilbert spaces or sufficiently sparse operators. This method requires an indexable Hilbert space. Returns: The sparse jax matrix representation of the operator. """ x = self.hilbert.all_states() n = x.shape[0] xp, mels = self.get_conn_padded(x) a = mels.ravel() i = np.broadcast_to(np.arange(n)[..., None], mels.shape).ravel() j = self.hilbert.states_to_numbers(xp).ravel() ij = np.concatenate((i[:, None], j[:, None]), axis=1) return BCOO((a, ij), shape=(n, n))
[docs] def to_dense(self) -> np.ndarray: r"""Returns the dense matrix representation of the operator. Note that, in general, the size of the matrix is exponential in the number of quantum numbers, and this operation should thus only be performed for low-dimensional Hilbert spaces or sufficiently sparse operators. This method requires an indexable Hilbert space. Returns: The dense matrix representation of the operator as a jax Array. """ return self.to_sparse().todense()
[docs] def to_qobj(self): # -> "qutip.Qobj" r"""Convert the operator to a qutip's Qobj. Returns: A :class:`qutip.Qobj` object. """ qutip = import_optional_dependency("qutip", descr="to_qobj") # QuTiP does not like jax sparse matrices, so we convert to scipy sparse # by hand sparse_mat_jax = self.to_sparse() sparse_mat_scipy = sparse.coo_matrix( (, (sparse_mat_jax.indices[:, 0], sparse_mat_jax.indices[:, 1]), ), shape=sparse_mat_jax.shape, ) return qutip.Qobj( sparse_mat_scipy, dims=[list(self.hilbert.shape), list(self.hilbert.shape)] )
def __matmul__(self, other): if ( isinstance(other, np.ndarray) or isinstance(other, jnp.ndarray) or isinstance(other, JAXSparse) ): return self.apply(other) elif isinstance(other, AbstractOperator): return self._op__matmul__(other) else: return NotImplemented def __rmatmul__(self, other): if ( isinstance(other, np.ndarray) or isinstance(other, jnp.ndarray) or isinstance(other, JAXSparse) ): return NotImplemented elif isinstance(other, AbstractOperator): return self._op__rmatmul__(other) else: return NotImplemented